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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. SRTurbo04

    Goodguys show

    Hmm might come on out tomorrow Anyone got a hookup on tickets?
  2. U wernt that bad. Atleast u wernt a camper like 514streests an that nova guy. Good lord
  3. meh they made one turn.... yippie... ide liek to see a series of turns or something.. shit i can make ONE turn side ways in my expedition.... shoot with enough ebrake pulling im sure i coudl do it in my srt4.. passsss
  4. ddint see this till now its ok everyone got off at 1130... btw i pwned the hell out of anthony that is all
  5. Hahaha ballllerrrrr Ill keep an eye out if this doesn't pass
  6. Pass No hardcore no care. Go back to newb tubin people
  7. I'm in the zone cheif ur going down
  8. Haha I'm sure u will I haven't played in almost a month Would prefer to play the new maps but can make due for a few rounds.
  9. The car whore aka 9t1gvr4 runs a dealer ship that sells a lot of trucks might be a good start. Also. The typical car max
  10. Call of duty... if anyones bored tonight aroudn 10pm an wanna play some cod mw2 on 360 post up. anthony u know u wanna
  11. phil ur such an asshole... on that note i hate cubicle life
  12. wtf ? :bangbang: FFFFFFUUUUUUUU ur going down !
  13. Why would u say cops can eat a dick whe he let u off with out a ticket? Be thankfully fool haha
  14. SRTurbo04

    im drunk

    Hit me up if u wanna drink tonight off at 9 fool
  15. ^^ btw i think i saw you gettin on to old state yesterday in the ppc avalanche
  16. cant boss said no ughhh i need a new job enjoy the weather out there guys
  17. Very uinfortunite for u... now don't take offense (as nothing about this is funny or cool...)to this but was that expolosion atleast cool When it hit the oil lol?
  18. Dam dam dam. Keep ur head up smiley an who ever else worked there. The article states possibly able to salvage some of the vehicles. Hope they can. An hopefully a quick rebuiold is in order.
  19. Its for a boat motor. not sure which
  20. How about you all just race ? ?both white camaros that aren't stock....
  21. tyler theres a place off of taylor road (go up broad make aleft on taylor) right before the train tracks. we just took our two dogs there great place. we just boarded both our dogs there last week(picked them back up today) they had a 4x6 indoor with a doggy door that goes outside to a 6x10 pen so they could be in our outdoor the whole time. as well as the people woudl take them out an left them go an run in a big area as well. very clean very professional, an took down very specific details from us to ensure they were the same as if they were at home. very cheap too
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