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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Just bought it off amazon, should be here tuesday. Are we gonna rock out forza online like we used to with rob? I can build another pink bug to own you all with Ok anthony i just got gtav, when are you gonna be online tonight?
  2. Is the hang out open and an option later?
  3. Possibly. Will check back up update.
  4. Calm it down butternuts im headed to go get gtav. Anything else good out there? Been out of the game stuff a while. And no fall out, crap looka gayyy
  5. Agreed will still play as i need something to play. On now. Man i suck.
  6. Its the master chief editon, came with the xbox as a package.
  7. Will be on this evening if anyone wants to play. Reliazed this game is gay! Wtf is up with this jump and hover halo crap? Will need to get some more games for sure. Cant wait for stores to open.
  8. I dont. Will be getting one soo. But not for this room.
  9. SRTurbo04 Still downloading the halo the xbox came with. People are saying it takes like 7 hours fml.
  10. So my main tv only has 2 hdmi ports, and i have 4 devices that need to be hooked up via hdmi. Has any one used one of those hdmi selector boxes? Or somethibg like this? http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B008GVOVK0/ref=pd_aw_sim_23_2?ie=UTF8&dpID=41Bo5YRN2JL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL100_SR100%2C100_&refRID=062QRA3G2JEGMZWQPTDF Any one who has, is there any issues with quality going down since its not 1 straight cord? Any one in specific to look for? Looking for one with 3 slots.
  11. Also one have a recommendation on a good batter recharge kit?
  12. Just got a xbox one for xmas. Has call of duty. Should be on in a few hours. Any one wanna buy a xbox 360 cheap?
  13. But this event is a bracket race, get you some! chandler bring your car out to the next CR Track day my turd will make a pass or two, or 60.
  14. 215hp and runs a 16.8 so BOOYAH!
  15. Doesn't take much to beat your turds :lolguy:
  16. Any one wanna buy me a xbox one so I can start playing games with you guys again?
  17. So, you check on this ? Pics and info? these are hard to find now days
  18. Dozzers garage has been good to members since he set up Dozzers area http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=98 Dozzers profile http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/member.php?u=1684 http://www.dozzersgarage.com/
  19. If you are this stressed out over the internet, you should probably take a valium, or hit another invisible speed bump.
  20. Ahh yea i forgot there stupid payment options.
  21. agreed, lets get some pics of that sweet thing!!
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