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Status Updates posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Lol almost 3k for a 14 year old ranger... good god. Your customers are on crack an think there shits made of gold :lol:
  2. Dude the vettes leaving... that sucks this making u sad home slice?
  3. thanks man for the section
  4. While ur in there can u add me as a moderator so I can moderate on people who are aren't sponsors but have sigs stating they have a buisness an contact them for prices. With out sponsorship privliges...:)
  5. Hey captain any update on the boat section?
  6. fuckerrr unban my a ss from that thread ya dbag!
  7. can u unban me from my own thread "fuck sonic" dbag aj keeps messing with me lol
  8. 3rd time today**
  9. thats the 3rd time today ive been banned from my own thread lol... unban me dangit
  10. Less cod more workie workie


    J.k sorry lives hectec take ur timejust bustin balls

  11. hey champ whats the status of the cr boat crew section?
  12. Ok michael jackson no red jacket.
  13. dem whistles be liek WOOO WOOOOO hahaha
  14. damm youuu no one wants to go ride dammit!
  15. boing. lets get ur bike out son!
  16. Hey old man how ya been?


    U gonna put any miles on that Cobra of yours? Mabey even race it at the track?


    Well hope all is well man.

  17. I will own you..


    Btw fix the supra so I can race the supra vs ur sc :)

  18. After u enjoy ripping the gigers toyota with ur 2.5 enjoy being drug around by a neon :bangbang:
  19. Trade for a srt4 an a jet ski haha??
  20. food shoudl own u son



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