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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Sooo whens the next Cr cookout at your house tim?
  2. Yeah trying to avoid getting a whole thing cause finding a gold one in good shape might be hard. plus i really dont want to spend 50+ bucks on a stupid piece that looks to me like its 3 screws to take out and replace. also why arent junk yards open on Sundays WTF??
  3. 2004 honda accord power mirror passenger side So my wife the awesome driver she is managed to hit her mirror on the garage door when backing out. She stopped before it took off the entire door mirror but some how managed to break the mirror(the glass and piece that screws in to the mechanism that turns it up and down left right.) looking for the mirror glass assembly and this part that the mirror attaches to, I cant find any info on this piece nor can i find a part #, does any one have a parts diagram that could get a part # for this or know where i can find this piece online or order it? Any one know of Any junk yards have a mirror intact or know of any other car that would use this part so i can go take this piece out of a car from the junk yard? Trying to avoid having to go buy a whole mirror unit just for this piece, as the power still works and moves fine its just this piece she broke. Here are the pics of the stuff that i need http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll162/04srturbo/20140502_163935_zpsz8fbdumf.jpg http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll162/04srturbo/20140502_163919_zpsvk3ks9jj.jpg Not sure if this is even the right diagram but using it as an example for the part that i need. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=493&pictureid=7650
  4. So how did you fare in the storm? Your cobra float away?
  5. Alot of good office type jobs at osu hospital (tons get updated every monday) been applying for a few as im in the same boat as her with hating my job and looking elsewhere. Ill pass along more stuff as I find it.
  6. Do you ever just leave anything stock?? Ill be out on the old faithful 3 seater wave as your flying past me.
  7. SRTurbo04

    Gas Monkey

    Its a show, im sure they say alot of not real crap to get ratings Will still watch, and enjoy. Very cool man
  8. Think of it this way, you got booted because yours cars TOO FAST. At least you can enjoy that title.
  9. Will gladly come drive the car for you so u can hear it from the outside :gabe:
  10. Great turn out considering the weather early. thanks for tina wagner and Anthony and Jason for the hard work, and leanne for the pictures!
  11. Due to the late start trails will run us untill 7pm. Come on out, amazing weather tracks hookin!
  12. We are racing untill 7pm since we got a late start due to the weather.
  13. :lolguy: ive made that ride before from jegs to the track. COLD as BALLS!
  14. Im sure you would know this but just in care. Just make sure its not caked in mud.. guy last year came and when he made a hit it shook a crap ton of mud on the track and shut it down for a bit, and made the guy go wash his truck before he could make another pass.
  15. SRTurbo04

    Pizza Buffet

    that's a bummer, loved that place
  16. Ok ill bite, why would some one go out of there way for a old Econo pos? Is this some like "collector" car or am I missing something? Clean or not I don't see the point I guess.
  17. Ill bring mine too good buddy. Just flag me down. I think its still good. If not you can always borrow someone's that isn't expired just to get teched in then you can use a normal helmet.
  18. Apoc Z is like DayZ but its on xbox. You can download the full game and its in the game area on the dash board as a indie game and its only 1$, yes 60cents! Its a great game for a 1$, graphics are a little 2011 but again its a 1$ Anyone play it ? If we can play in the same lobby to help each other out. Just started playing it, man its hard as crap with the zombies but hoping to get the hang of it
  19. Fml im stuck at work, hoping to slip out early so I can come see a few pulls.
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