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Fhat Kow

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Everything posted by Fhat Kow

  1. I'm just glad your not very bright. Don't forget the training wheels.
  2. I'm an old fashion kinda guy. I prefer the finger. And in riding gloves it's even more intimidating!! Big carbon fiber knuckles and shit.. Ohhhhhh scaaaary!! Haha
  3. Ok got the advanced task killer so now what? Do I need to select which apps to stop? And can I still use the browser etc. if I select them? Sorry I'm back dated in this crap. haha But thanks for the help so far!!
  4. Alright damnit. haha I just got the Htc eris. Do I need to return it and get the motorola droid? My battery is dying in about 4 hrs of use and can't seem to find an app killer. Plus this police app and and some others. What should I do? Oh yeak.. Plus the keyboard is kickin my ass to get used too. lol
  5. Dude... Love yor avatar. Just so ya know.. haha Love hunter.

  6. I don't know if it will help but my buddys a worthington cop, he rides. I can see if he can make a call or somethin..? F.T.P. haha
  7. Ah hahaha... I'm not as dumb as i think I was! \m/
  8. Also, how'd you get your myspace link on your posts?
  9. Sounds good, You all ridin after?
  10. Which shell station? I'll deff. be there.
  11. I was messin with the fact my bike is so heavy they don't even make it anymore haha. But I think she's sexy as hell! And of course kow... kaw... cow. moo moo:metal:
  12. Damn....I knew my time wouldn't hold up! haha
  13. Yeah.... it's a conversation back in the early pages. Just took me forevr to reply.
  14. You guys don't waste time on here! Yeah my dumbass put aluminium bolts on my fat ass weight bearing rear sets. I never claimed to be the brightest bulb haha
  15. I was there! Orange 7r. btw, anyone tell me how the hell to put my pic in.... 4 my avatar??
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