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Everything posted by vw151

  1. It sounded to me like he took the $25 motorcycle safety course which qualifies you to get you motorcycle endorsement on your license if you pass there tests at the end. I took this course last summer and it was probably the best thing I could have done as a new rider. It teaches you the basics of turning, looking through the turn, operating the clutch, shifting, panic braking, braking and turning, maneuvering and other related motorcycle skills. It's the basics but it's the sort of stuff people take for granted. It is a little mind blowing to me that people ride so long with out taking it and with out a license when the course is only $25 and you use their bikes. Either way the course is a great place to learn all the little things you need to know. They said in the course that a rider that has taken the course walks away with skills similar to that of a rider that has been riding casually for 2 years with out the course. Take that for what it's worth but it kind of makes sense. It would take a long time to figure all of the stuff they teach you out on your own.
  2. I got rained on as well.
  3. vw151

    Q S & L -- 4-30-08

    right on, well glad you aren't pissed at me. Either way, I think I've sufficiently got my licks in on this matter. It was damn funny.
  4. vw151

    Q S & L -- 4-30-08

    If only I considered the consequences before I speak. Sorry man I just couldn't hold back with all of whodey's taunting and then princess asking what happened. Seriously everyone we all do stupid shit, I'm sure this will come back to bite me in the future. Kevin, to be fair, I'll by you a couple of beers at QSL next time for posting up on here. I actually feel a little bad.
  5. vw151

    Q S & L -- 4-30-08

    Sorry Kevin, I am cringing a little while posting this but I would expect nothing less if it was me. http://desmohio.com/index.php?option=com_wrapper&view=wrapper&Itemid=2 unfortunately it looks as though directly linking to a thread on desmohio.com is not an option so just look for the thread titled "Yotaman Is Now The front Runner For The Sambuca Trophy" on www.desmohio.com under the General Discussion section and all of your questions will be answered. Take it easy on him, he has already caught a ton of shit from us guys over in the ducati forum.
  6. vw151

    Q S & L -- 4-30-08

    Whodey, I'm glad it was you and not me that opened this can of worms. I was tempted but was trying not to be an ass. But by now you might as well link people to the desmohio thread.
  7. Haha, I missed you guys by 1 day. I was there thursday and Friday but we were in Charlotte on Saturday. No rain on my days there. Was the forest fire still burning. Did you check out zeephoto.com and killboy.com for pictures of yourself getting all leaned over? How many of you went, on what bikes? To all you guys complaining about riding down there, it's not a bad ride no matter how you cut it. Even the highways are pretty curvy down there due to all the hills. That's not to say your not gonna flat spot your tire, but if your excuse for not riding is wearing out your tires then I'm not really sure what to tell you. When you ride your tires wear out, that is how it works.
  8. I second the leathers. If you are going to visit the track or not all the gear is a worthwhile investment. I mean look at all the confidence it inspires
  9. welcome! where in north campus do you live? A guy across the way from me has an R6
  10. It's a 3 or 2 day course. They offer afternoon and morning. I am willing to bet you don't work 1st and second shift every day. Either way, you can get your license with out the course too.
  11. I think it added to the feel
  12. why would you not get your full licence? I took the Motorcycle safety course and then got my full license last year. I don't think I can even describe how good an idea the safety course is. It's $25 in ohio and they teach you so much basic stuff that could keep you from getting into trouble on the road. Not to mention it makes it easier to pass the full license test. Either way, up until the August of this year my licence will still say novice on it.
  13. Yah, I just noticed that today. Woops
  14. I don't know how entertaining my ADD style videos of my trip to deals gap will be to you guys but I find it amusing. Forgive me, this was all a crash course on window movie maker and youtube uploading. I'm a virgin with it all, or I was. Part1 Part2 Part3
  15. LOL, I had to represent since I was going out of state on the Ducati.
  16. I'm 6'3" I can make most sport bikes look pretty small. The bike handled like it was designed with those corners in mind. I felt so at home on those roads that I'm sad to be back home a little
  17. As a matter of fact I did. LOL, my helmet is all stickered up
  18. nice, I think a tail bag may need to be purchased before I do this again. The elaborate system of bungees got old after awhile.
  19. We stayed in hotels several nights. I rode light Thursday but the rest of the time I had my stuff strapped on because we were on the way to somewhere all of the other times. Too bad too cause I got a lot more time in at the deals gap area Friday. The police were not a problem but it was weekday afternoons so I think that helped. What do you strap a bunch of crap too? Pictures? I made a gif or two of the proofs. You can see me getting my swerve on with crap strapped to my bike. I think I'll order a few of these zeephoto and killboy pics. Cool business model.
  20. That is exactly what I heard. I also heard he or she was ok so that is good and that it was a brand new gixxer. Woops!!!
  21. Hey all, a buddy and I have been riding since Wednesday. We hit tail of the dragon and many of the surrounding roads. We are now in Charlotte. Just thought I'd share some pics. I'll get some video and better stuff up when I get back. If you guys are in Southeast OH tomorrow I might see you on my way home. moritz and I in foothills parkway. helmet on the skyway. Virginia!?!? Moritz and I at some truck stop some bikes at the look out part of tail of the dragon So we were riding along on 129 by the lake. Since we were on the back side of the tail of the dragon we didn't even realize we were on it yet. No less, a tree had fallen due to a fire that started from a bike wreck the day before. We waited 20 minutes for the rangers to clear the tree and were on our way. Deals gap resort and some race bikes the duc at tail of the dragon duc and aprilia at deals gap resort What chicken stripe? Tree of shame More Resort pics me sitting on the bike in the foothills parkway skyway got bugs? when I started. pretty pic
  22. Well, I am from Dayton. (actually typing this message in Dayton at my parents right now). I was working in Columbus several years ago but got a good job opportunity at the University of Dayton. So I moved to Dayton. I worked at UD for about 1.5 years then got a better job back in Columbus. Soooo.... now I'm back in Columbus. Either way during my stay at UD I worked across the hall from Matt and actually was around for Chad being hired there. Chad and I did the same job at UD and I met him when he was hired. That about sums it up.
  23. Yep, there goes the planet. You missed an awesome ride last weekend. I'm looking forward to getting out with you and Reggie some more this summer. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I'm leaving for Deals gap this Wednesday. I'm gonna do my best to use prudence and caution so I can make it back in one piece. The whole trip should work out to a 1200 mile ride
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