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Everything posted by Gump

  1. nah, I've gotten soft. Killed a bunch of little birds when I was little. Feel guilty now. Doves are fair game though.
  2. That'd been sweet back in the day. Could you tow a boat with it? j/k
  3. VW had a Diesel Jetta years ago that got 52 mpg when diesel was the nearly the same as gas. Looked the same as the gas version. You didn't hear about it often. All business marketing schemes to get the biggest GMROI.
  4. Gump


    I think there needs to be clarification on this Roth IRA (individual retirement account) vs. a 401k. I'm not a good explainer or anything close to an expert but: A Roth IRA you are contributing after tax dollars. A 401k (IRA) you are contirbuting Pretax dollars but will pay it later. Both you can pick thousands of different things to invest in. If your employer has not allowed you to pick what your 401k is investing in, I don't know what to say but ask them about employee directed 401k. Most employers got away form picking the stocks for employees years ago due to liability. (they don't want to be responsible if they pick the wrong funds) I have both a Roth and a 401k and use Scottrade for normal "stock" purchases which has nothing to do with a Roth or a 401k. I think Scottrade is cheaper per trade than E-trade and once you invest so much say $2000 or whatever you can buy stocks for $100 bucks or less. It's also harder to get the money out which is good if you lack self control and are impulsive(like me) because you have to call and request a check by mail. You can chuck so much money a month in there automatically and it gains interest like a savings account until you get a chance to buy a stock or you can leave it there forever uninvested and it will gain interest. My Roth is "Selected American Shares" which I switched over to a Roth when the gubment said we could. I also use an American Express high yield savings account. Just gains interest. No fee's, free, just collects money from auto transfers or however you want to deposit. It's easy to setup. You can transfer funds back and forth in seconds between this savings and your bank account. Which is bad if you are compulsive and let money burn a whole in your pocket. Roth vs. 401k\/ http://ownthedollar.com/2009/07/roth-ira-401k-retirement-plan/ I like property though. I'm waiting for MaxP and Casper to find some kickass, redneck, cheap acreage.
  5. +1 It's all about money. Like Apple does marketing. They squeeze every dime out of every product by giving the good one first and unvailing the better later with new options. The upgrades/improvements were there from the start. If you pop the best you got out first you miss selling the ok product, that's new to the public, to the planet.
  6. Costly to produce. If I have to add something to fuel that's more expensive to produce than fuel. It's gonna cost more for the end user. Potential benefits of E85 are contested by some experts who point out that deriving gasoline from petroleum is a relatively inexpensive (i.e. more efficient) process even including the transportation of oil and gasoline long distances. Large-scale production of ethanol may be cost prohibitive; and may result in a net energy loss when taking into account all the energy required to make alcohol from starchy plants. Another drawback for E85 is that, in a liter-to-liter comparison, E85 has less power potential than conventional gasoline; about 12-25 percent less energy for transportation by volume.
  7. The more effiecient our travel gets the higher the fuel price will be. Think if you were selling fuel, some other guy starts making super effiecient cars. You would raise your fuel prices because you know they still have to buy it and you want to sell it for as much profit as fast as possible.. Kinda like, if you do that, i'm gonna do this. It's all bullshit. A 1988 Honda Accord got 34 miles the gallon. Do you really think technology has come very far. No, maybe yes, but they didn't want to use it yet. They are just squeezing every dime out the new more fuel efficient movement with marketing, marketing lies. O and the corn bit is horse crap.
  8. I paid homage to the birds today and filled the bird feeders
  9. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/01/06/new-aclu-lawsuit-expand-south-dakota-gun-rights/ legal resident vs. citizen
  10. didnt someone just try to make it rain in the desert birds poop in water
  11. I wonder what birds and fish have in common other than you could feed them a few 50 pound bags of seed/feed and kill thousands. Wow...I just checked out the google link. This is a little troublesome.
  12. Bird Bird Bird Bird's the word
  13. REPOSTER!! I agree though. I had a crappy title.
  14. na, I wish, I was just adding voices to the GPS and noticed.
  15. At least for a Garmin. When you plug it into your computer there's a trip log of everywhere you have been. Not trips you have asked it to route but everywhere you have been. So if you're out whoring around make sure you delete that.
  16. Interesting. It's all kind of wierd though. I don't believe the fireworks balogna. Birds are smarter than that. Maybe it's a poisening of our food source by the aliens. Since a lot of the land animals and bigger fish are going to eat the dead stuff and Bam! Pretty good way to breed and spread some strange disease. Response to the above Edit: Freaky
  17. uh? there's dead things falling out of the sky everywhere! And now fish! It's the aliens flaunting there powers. Seriously, it's kinda wierd. On the other hand get a board with a nail in it. It worked for the Simpsons. http://www.bing.com/news/search?q=dead+fish&qpvt=dead+fish&FORM=Z7FD
  18. This is like arguing about whether or not you should really come to a complete stop at a stop sign
  19. How come leaves don't randomly fall out of the sky then?
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Strictly Street No it's not. 4511.28 Overtaking and passing upon the right of another vehicle. (A) The driver of a vehicle or trackless trolley may overtake and pass upon the right of another vehicle or trackless trolley only under the following conditions: (1) When the vehicle or trackless trolley overtaken is making or about to make a left turn; (2) Upon a roadway with unobstructed pavement of sufficient width for two or more lines of vehicles moving lawfully in the direction being traveled by the overtaking vehicle. (B) The driver of a vehicle or trackless trolley may overtake and pass another vehicle or trackless trolley only under conditions permitting such movement in safety. The movement shall not be made by driving off the roadway. © When there's some Grandma or Tard creeping in the left lane
  21. Can we back up? Who actually thinks 60 in a 55 is fast? I'd be up your ass also, unless I realized you're going to get over in a few seconds, so you took the hint. There had to be room to pass you on the right for being a dick if the 55 guy on the right came into your lane to turn.
  22. I just need more ammo.
  23. correction, 5000 birds depending on the reporter. http://www.bing.com/news/search?q=de...fish&FORM=Z7FD http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2011/01/02/dead-birds-fall-ark-sky/ http://articles.cnn.com/2011-01-02/us/arkansas.falling.birds_1_dead-birds-sick-bird-national-wildlife-health-center?_s=PM:US
  24. Virginia sucks. That's why they have West Virginia
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