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Everything posted by Gump

  1. All these friggin newbs in the woods, u might not have any baby deer walk to u this year. Frigging 357mag levers r jumping in price already. I'll barter a stainless 8" 44mag redhawk for a 357 or higher caliber lever action pre 1990.
  2. Gump

    Thieving Bastards

    12 gauge, pepper gas, trip wires.
  3. Wow, but never surprising. Writing him letter. REID has a FB
  4. Same sniper, shoots you below the knee with either a .38 or a 12gauge slug. Do u choose .38 or 12g? If you get past the mAgic line you're healed and the doctor fixes your trolling problem and pulls that stick out of your ass.
  5. Mmmhmm. Stirring the woods up. Keep your pussy loads at home. You really should use a 12gauge, you can't see that good, and I'm not tracking your deer.
  6. No you didn't. Let's change the rules. Sniper with a .38 or a 12gauge with a slug from fifty yards. After he hits you, if you can run 40 yards past the magic line, you can miraculously live unharmed and have your way with 30 gullible, sex crazed, gorgeous, virgins of your choice for the next 40 years, a larger penis, better personality, and 1 million dollars. Which caliber do you choose?
  7. Ugh. If you were sentenced to die by a one man drunken, one eyed, hillbilly firing squad, because you were a perfectionist, would you rather be shot by a .38 flat nose or a 12ga slug in the chest at 50 yards. (And the hillbilly can shoot as many times as he wants till your dead)
  8. I don't necessarily hunt and shoot humans and then try to find them and eat them. I just want humans to go the other direction, suffer or die. Never had a deer try to kill me yet, even after I shot it. Your ranges are good. .410 is better than a weapon that can't be held properly. .38 simply still shouldn't be an option.
  9. Why not use one of the other capable cartridges or a 20 gauge?
  10. What they allowed before or where they allow the calibers now in other states is Irrelevent. Recently allowing the .38 in Ohio, is a step in the wrong direction. Regardless if FPS is increased thru a longer barrel. There's also the aspect that people think they can shoot further with rifles. Now we'll have tards aiming .38's at 100 yards vs. the realistic 40 yards with a .38 pistol. I have .410's and choose not to use that caliber. Based on, if I miss the vitals, I have a higher chance of loosing the deer and prolonging it's suffering. Now more retards, that have never hunted before possibly, with a legal cartridge, will be hitting the woods just because they have that cartridge. Real sportsman simply don't use under powered calibers to hunt any game. If someone shows up with a .38, I'm sending them packing.You're starting sound like one of them, brown its down idiots.
  11. Sure, it will kill but it will take longer. Now we have more tards hunting and they're the ones who apparently, by your explanation, have rifles but not a shotgun. This also will encourage hunters, that suck at hunting already, to take longer shots.
  12. Gump

    Thieving Bastards

    Fake camera outside and a large bowl of Haribo gummy bears
  13. Gump

    Jesus had a wife?

    I call religion, effective moral marketing. Some buy it, some don't.
  14. Yes. Its so stupid, I wrote DNR a letter requesting the reasoning behind their decision.
  15. Agree. 30/30 blows away a .38 special or even the .357 mag as far as knockdown energy even from rifle barrels. Stupid. I'd never think about using a .45 ACP for deer either. Stupid
  16. http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/straight-walled-cartridge-rifles-approved-hunting-white-tailed-deer-ohio Not sure how I feel about it. .38 special should not be allowed. The bag limits need to lower, but then they elongated the hunting period.
  17. All those holy people practicing celibacy, have got to be pissed. Lol
  18. The stopping for Ice cream was a nice treat during chaos.
  19. The mcdonalds employees who posted the vid got fired.
  20. He turned her down, so she destroyed a mcdonalds. Cray kray http://m.thesuperficial.com/entry/view/id/45799
  21. Nice read! Next time take 83 to Beverly and hang out with locals and have $1.50 beer along the river bar. Don't shoot any pool in that town.
  22. After the weird gas station, 646 is my favorite, so far, in that area. Once it 646 hits 22/43, it's either turn around or hit odd roads. And I haven't found any great ones after that.
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