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Everything posted by SAMBUSA

  1. I was thinking it'd be more like "Obobo's Socialist America"
  2. Oh I'm not offended. I'm the pimp. Real pimps dont sample their product
  3. I dont REALLY fuck my sheep and it's more of a side business, not my job
  4. I cant help my Chernobyl equipment. I sorry I ruined it for you
  5. Nah, I'm kickin 169 but alot of it is cock weight. Chernobyl, ya know
  6. I'm sure he's had to explain his "size" on more than one occasion
  7. Well, ya cant ride cuz you've got a 636. I hear they are deer magnets
  8. When I got the friend suggestion, I was like who the hell is this ghey? :lol:
  9. Hellz yeah baby:bow:
  10. Only one I'm gonna go to is Aug. 11th and that's only because Shallowtail is going to melt my face
  11. lulz we be friends on FB and I didn't know it
  12. I dont ride it, I drive it biatch. Oh and fatherhood happened. Between work, kids and screws/plates in my back I somehow lost the time to go to the gym
  13. The Railroad happened
  14. True story. I was 110 lbs when I graduated high school
  15. Typing with one hand while the other is on your junk
  16. Just dont share my trade secrets
  17. You know how I know you're ghey? So excited about seeing Urban that you mis-spelled related
  18. It'll catch up to you.
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