Dick. Actually, I took her on some on a few twisties. She loved them. Even leaned with me which suprised me. Figured her first few rides she'd be scared to lean into the curve.
That's my plan. My pops failed at most everything with raising kids. Trying not to follow in his footsteps She's already talkin about what mods she wants to have done to her bike when she gets it:D
There is a company that makes a "buddy belt" specifically designed for riding with kids. What else did you say? I didn't hear you as I blew by 2 up:banana:
Must have just missed you. Truck was still in the lot. Got out of there around 630ish. See the 4 squids on the little 600's? My daughter called them idiots
Finally got her gear after the trip to the Pony yesterday. Took her for her first ride today. Left the hump on for her first ride so she could get a feel for how the bike is at take off, etc. She's hooked of course