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Everything posted by Goldie

  1. I don't even have to watch this video, just the screencap on the youtube video says enough. Their parents need slapped in their mouth, and pull their heads out of their asses. WTF is wrong with people.
  2. Why does anyone care where he was born, it isn't going to change anything now. They aren't going to impeach the guy. What other dead horse can we beat?
  3. You could just save the $10 and whenever you wanted to light it I could come over and take a shit on your table. It would at least be more economical that way.
  4. That dude is pretty cool.
  5. I don't even want a funeral, let alone one with me posed on my bike.
  6. Do you need a new chain? Hell no. Just take it off, and flip it over before you put it back on. It's just like turning a pair of underwear inside out so you can get another day or two out of 'em. If you really have to ask, then you should pretty much be able to assume the answer. Yes, you need a new chain.
  7. Unfortunately, I don't have the same excuse. I'm on my fifth season.
  8. Sadly enough, there isn't a sub 12,000 option. I'm a douche.
  9. How do you spell relief? I was thinking B.J., but to each their own I suppose. Just messin', I know the feeling. My midterms start next week, then another 5 weeks til the wifey and I hit a cruise ship. W00t bitch!
  10. I thought he was going to get the Rusty Trombone while pullin' a wheelie. That would have been impressive.
  11. How about making them payback all the money they earned while downloading porn and masturbating on the job?
  12. RIP to both of the riders in that article. Reading shit like that makes me not want to ride.
  13. All I can see, is that it looks like his wife has some flap-jack titties. Oh, and since I have actually read the article now, GTFO you illegal alien.
  14. I want to do a trackday with NESBA Negative N/A either Thanks.
  15. Thanks for coming to grab those spools Jason. I also thought Dublin was a good place to live til we got robbed two weeks after moving in. That can definitely change one's mind.
  16. I would say having a guy vomit on your daughter is getting off rather lightly considering the dude is a schmuck from NJ. What else would you expect?
  17. I am finding myself at a loss for words for your first statement. Will this guy sit and think about this every day, and cry and beat himself up emotionally. Probably not. He made a stupid, foolish, ignorant, etc mistake. He's not a suicide bomber. He didn't mean for this to happen (or at least we should assume) However, I agree with the latter.
  18. Looks like a high quality film to me, whats wrong with it?
  19. Goldie


    Oakley Juliet replacement lenses in black iridium polarized. How much would I owe ya for em?
  20. I think I will hop in the GSXR and swing by this evening. Too bad I don't have my HID's to blind people.
  21. Dude, I'm impressed to say the least. Nicely done bruv.
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