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Ron Burgundy

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Status Updates posted by Ron Burgundy

  1. :lol: hurts my eyes as well
  2. :lol: im just fucking with ya todd. gotta give ya a hard time. i know how much you like those "gheys" :lol:
  3. :lol: it makes the music sound better with a dancing banana
  4. :lol: it was the perfect opportunity! hahaha
  5. eleven.gif (that is just a preview)
  6. "creeper" that is all..

  7. ahhh.. is that right?

  8. alright ill let you know, depends on how many people end up coming with us. thanks ill keep in touch

  9. are you a true irish R&B singer?

  10. are you FUCKING NUTS? why would i touch your DRUM SET? i was watching caps

  11. are you still going with the flat black? and lets party.. because i like to party to

  12. cant believe your not going to the gap with us... :sad:

  13. did you get shit faced at ur party? can you confirm? and by chance did you rub taints? sorry i missed out, i had to work

  14. down for some call of duty tonight?

  15. dude the time is almost here, i'm fucking pumped

  16. gap is open.. we have 1 month.. i cant wait

  17. glad you had a good time! nice meeting ya!

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