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Ron Burgundy

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Status Updates posted by Ron Burgundy

  1. yeah i kinda noticed that

  2. glad you had a good time! nice meeting ya!

  3. hey dragon knee, its heinz

  4. motorcycle report? done or no?

  5. i guess so? i didnt have a choice i guess, i just got on and it was already changed?

  6. you going to be on tonight?

  7. well he is shooting the coat of the green right now, im going out here in just a couple of minutes as soon as i get off of work and help him shoot the black, its going to look sick

  8. what do you think eric? are we going to be able to hit deals gap this year?

  9. you better watch you mouth, or ill kiss you on the lips

  10. im game.. im also game for some last chance to haha

  11. dude the time is almost here, i'm fucking pumped

  12. is that your lambo in your avatar?

  13. holy shit.. i just lost it!!! :lol:

  14. that was to good! im glad you found that, that way i can save it to my computer and use it for future use! :lol:

  15. that sounds like a wonderful idea, lets do it

  16. are you FUCKING NUTS? why would i touch your DRUM SET? i was watching caps

  17. ill show you little bitch :bigfinger:

  18. i work 7 to 3, but i can ride after 3 if you want for a few hours

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