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Ron Burgundy

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Status Updates posted by Ron Burgundy

  1. whats up man? how was your 3 day ban? :lol:

  2. ill show you little bitch :bigfinger:

  3. you better watch you mouth, or ill kiss you on the lips

  4. look in the drama queens section

  5. :lol: im just fucking with ya todd. gotta give ya a hard time. i know how much you like those "gheys" :lol:
  6. Ttttttooooooooooooooooodddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

  7. that's why i like you

  8. you know todd, your a dickhead

  9. that sounds like a wonderful idea, lets do it

  10. i guess so? i didnt have a choice i guess, i just got on and it was already changed?

  11. hey dragon knee, its heinz

  12. its not the same.. he will have to wear a wig then :sad:

  13. cant believe your not going to the gap with us... :sad:

  14. eleven.gif (that is just a preview)
  15. you better go to the gap with us.. because im going to to go and i would like to blow you the fuck away.. have a nice day. :lol:

  16. will i be expecting any drunk texts? :lol:

  17. sorry sir.. i thought ur party was the 21st.. but tomorrow im still working.. fml :sad:

  18. did you get shit faced at ur party? can you confirm? and by chance did you rub taints? sorry i missed out, i had to work

  19. ive been around.. havent been posting much.. lol

  20. you still wanting to come down today and ride? let me know

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