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Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by Ron Burgundy

  1. Ron Burgundy


    it hurts.. i been hit with it 3 times.. they are no joke.. although the M26 advanced taser has a different shape pulse technology than the X26.. but the X26 Greater incapacitating power than the M26 and it is 60% smaller and lighter than the M26 if that really means anything.. i have been hit by both models and they both drop you like a sack of potatoes..
  2. those look sick! i might have to pick me up a pair!
  3. They've done studies, you know. 60% of the time it works, every time
  4. i may be interested in the 06 fairing stay.. ill let you know
  5. we need to get a date to have some people down, not as many as last time.. it was a fucking nightmare.. 10 at the most
  6. well since the weather was warm enough to go out for a relaxing ride i said screw it and headed out! here some teaser pics! haha elliot this one is for you! your favorite turn! haha the neighbor said hi! i also bought a sticker kit for the gixxer! put it on last night!
  7. man.. so much drama.. AND I LOVE IT!! hahaha
  8. wow casper moved all the fun threads.. i wonder why?
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