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Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by Ron Burgundy

  1. it was as if the road just went straight and never ended
  2. well that maybe true! but.. would i be so lucky? if i was parks i would prolly be still off roading right now! hahaha
  3. haha! elliot getting that may cause me to go into a hay bale!!!
  4. im not sure yet.. if i do the full system then its going to get a lil $$ if you know what i mean.. u got the full system, then power commander, air filter.. hell ill be up to $2000 before you know it!! but if i sell the gixxer this spring i may have to just do it! but good luck with bike and hopfully its together by spring!

  5. hey the suit and boots will on the way! but in the mean time.. im saving.. or at least trying
  6. me and my buddy was on our way up to columbus last night and made it to newark and turned around when we started seeing nothing but cars wrecks and wreckers and police cars everywhere..
  7. i have it for the 360
  8. you pumped for the next coshoton ride this spring?

  9. damn i cant believe its that screwed up.. my cuz bought some from hong kong and they looked pretty good
  10. i have really be debating on getting a exhaust for the honda and not sure what i should go with.. i really like the the akrapovic and looks really clean on the bike.. but the jardine sounds really good.. not sure what i should go with.. what do you guys think?
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