If we plan on goin out afterward for food drinks and karaoke im thinkin later in the afternoon/evening. I work until 2 on Saturdays and i know fonz said his kids have basketball games that he coaches in the morning so im thinkin closer to 4 or 5. i think afternoon is/was the plan. we just need our fearless leader to tell us wtf is up. Glad somebody's payin' attention.....Not sure where that 11:00 came from?? Jase....Do I need to get you some of those Hooked on Phonics tapes like I did Nick? We've still got 2 weeks, so no need to panic As I've said......I'm figurin' us to be there around 4'ish, depending on basketball, weather, & traffic. The Honda display is usually toward the front of the show, IIRC, so we could meat there. There's also usually a bar/kiosk out in front of the show entrance, inside the hall. That could be another possibility. If people want to PM me their celly's, we can locate each other that way too. Roger