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Status Updates posted by 4DAIVI PAI2K5

  1. find me a place in nc mountians...

  2. found one! well two cuz my dad wanted one haha


  4. gosh lucky.

    do u like it?

  5. got my stator, headlight, front fender ordered... better plan on coming down here!

  6. great time buddy! cant wait for us to go down again!!!!

    ur number 13 song is titled the best...

  7. ha i left u a photo cmmment also haha

  8. ha im a billionare bitch!

  9. ha prolly u can email them to me @ aparks84@gmail.com

  10. haha 4 way!!!! ross and i might just sit back an watch for a min!

  11. haha havent talked to u in a while had to pester ya!

    any leads on a job yet?

  12. haha hilljack names haha

  13. haha how do u not remember that? its almost as good as the "that chick just frosted me like a cake" line!

  14. haha how u know i made it???

  15. haha i just saw that. u are now special cuz ur my friend haha

  16. haha i just wanna fuck with him. but ill let him have his threads :(

  17. haha i know but atleast im fun!!

  18. haha i see.

    ill be free on mon and tues of next week i think not for sure yet tho.

  19. haha it was seths younger sister and she stayed with ross....... haha

    we play on coming down on the 1st for the bike night u going to be there?

  20. haha its awesome!!

    have u seen "the hangover"??? its amazing!! i dont know how alyssa slept thur it last night on the couch with me cuz i was laughing so fucking hard!!!

    bout time you join! got to send pics of boobies to join tho!

  21. haha kiss my ass. i need to get my body right im sitting to far up on the tank and is causeing my body to be to high and not be able to learn right... my luck ill crash...

  22. haha nice code name haha

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