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Everything posted by 4DAIVI PAI2K5

  1. road has taken a few of us locals out,and elliot! its a great road tho!!! i hope so! the more bikes = more good times!
  2. haha those girly stars are gonna get u stabed at the next bike night
  3. there will be another one. we have more routes to show ya'll, including the devil road!
  4. yeah def. funny had the staples holding the googles on to its head haha
  5. (firstname escapes me) Casterline 2003 r1 (black ummm frame??) keith (cant remember, kzsomething) 2009 r1 (black) another guy on a 2008 fireblade (red) 1 more from cleveland on a kawi (green/silver)
  6. haha ross said u scared the shit outta him haha
  7. damn it greg stop turning the thread gay! haha and bullshit i have to tell u no all the time
  8. greg i hate u stop fuckin editing my post!
  9. ummmm who just wanted to touch my body, and tried to grab my dick but i refused!
  10. its a rap, start posting in the report thread fella's and MJ
  11. you dont know nothin about hood till u stay the night in the ghetto of coshocton...
  12. yep looks right, i just posted maps up in the report thread, and i know what u mean about the 83N by keene i was telling my computer off... any time bud! glad everyone had a good time and we were able to keep the whole group together and on 2 wheels!
  13. first trip out map second trip out map
  14. seth - Ron Burgandy - 2007 600rr (blue) nathan - Ross701 - 2007gsxr 750/600/1000 (black/silver) zach - Moody187 - some pos hardley linkin - redrideron541 - 2005 600rr (red) james - burnout_boy - 2006 crf 450 tyler - mtgrace77 (??) - 2006 600rr (black) john 2007 600rr black chris 2001 gsxr blue plus more but my computer is dying... noooooooo
  15. ^^^ nice ill get some maps up here in a bit, im watching "the day the earth stood still" right now
  16. can do but we wont do that same route u were on we've got more roads to show u still!
  17. here are some pics that i snapped at a couple of the stops! thanks for everyone that came, glaf things went well and had no problems! great meeting everyone!!!! my garage area, think there are a few bikes missing in this pic from in the garage the front parking lot McDonalds Coshocton boys at sportsZone SuMo after party...
  18. will be posting pics and maps here soon as for the dayton and cbus guys wished u woulda stayed for that last loop. it had some of the best roads of the day on it!
  19. well thanks glad we have another satisfied customer!
  20. i got mine from the pony but its called a camelbak can get them at all motorcycle places
  21. haha yeah im a bigger sized boy! i love my camel back! alex chanell is the the one that got me thinking about one from our big ride last year! they are nice, put some ice in them and they stay cold for a long time! think they are about 20 bucks!
  22. glad u had fun!!! and yet u werent here.... it was nice while riding here!!yutt uuughhh that sucks!!! least lets do it again tomorrow!!!!
  23. glad u had fun! need to do it again cuz we have more roads we didnt get to hit!!
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