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Everything posted by 4DAIVI PAI2K5

  1. my partner at work says stop waisting your time and get a life
  2. mirror just behind her? a fire??
  3. same here! been on for 6 days ready for 11pm to roll around so i can be off for 2 days! im right there with ya!
  4. come with us!! Coshocton ride
  5. i hope u can make it! hope to see some ppl that are close to us be there!
  6. my partner at work saw them all right away... i failed...
  7. its states ppl have been too. very common on motorhomes
  8. im starting to think ur just fucking with us...
  9. i suck... i dont see either of them??? first one possible jeeze stain on the left ones dress, of is it a design of the dress?
  10. come on down to coshocton tomorrow guys!
  11. you coming for the coshocton ride tomorrow??? would love to see that duc in person!
  12. the person in the back round???
  13. make it moble and ride to coshocton with the banner!
  14. so far for the coshocton crew we've got seth (ron burgnady) nathan (ross701) zach (moody187) lincon (redrideron541) tyler calvin john james (burnout_boy) and me!! maybe's on scott plus who ever else we can find riding around town!
  15. haha they get tied up out side the fences here...
  16. gold bond has that nice cooling sensation tho! its hard to be on a hot day!
  17. call off, thats what seth did! so far for the coshocton crew we've got seth (ron burgnady) nathan (ross701) zach (moody187) lincon (redrideron541) tyler calvin john and me!! maybe's on scott james (burnout_boy) plus who ever else we can find riding around town!
  18. ill make sure its worth your mileage! bring ur gold bond cuz the duck juice will be flowing!
  19. its how we do! haha did it come out gangsta sounding? thats what i was going for....
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