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Everything posted by 4DAIVI PAI2K5

  1. Asshole, Best Buy doesnt have the tablet I want.
  2. It Lake Park here in Coshocton. I don't think it is on any trail maps. There are a couple others I just found out about that I'm going to check out soon as it dries up some and I can get a time to meet up with a couple local buddies as the more the merrier. I also plan to hit up Mohican again, I only did the first 12 when we went last year. Along with Dillion, and Alum.
  3. Her ban bill is just to soften the Repubs up to settle on a smaller bill, such as a mag size limit that way they can say they did something in the name of protecting the kids.
  4. I went for a small ride today. On one of the local trails. It is about 2 mins from my house and a couple miles long. Couple hundred feet of elevation change. It was a little bit muddy but I made it. Only wrecked once... killing my taint.
  5. Thread for anything to do with mountain biking. Post pictures, rides, or bike questions.
  6. He will be turning 2 so hoping it is something he can learn from for a while. Thats what I'm realizing lol. BB is my go to place for electronics, guess they will be missing out now.
  7. I've used turbo in the past, but I'm boycotting intuit because of their deal with a suppressor company. Not sure where I'm going. Thinking of checking out taxslayer and tax act now that people have mentioned it. I bought a house in Sept. So I'm not sure if that will help or hurt my return?
  8. Thanks guys. I'll be looking at getting that key board soon also.
  9. Looks like I'll be going to Mt. Veron on Friday.
  10. Think I found it at staples. Is this the one? Bazinga
  11. While we are at it. Thoughts on the Nabi 2 for the boy?
  12. Nexus it is then. Where can you get them at a retail store? Not seeing them at best buy.
  13. What is every ones thoughts on them? Looking at getting the girl one for V day for us to use. Just getting the small one for 200 bucks. Thoughts on case and keyboards. Would like to find one that will work with both the tablet and my iphone 4 if possible
  14. So worth the read!!! Open in it new tab if you cant read it.
  15. I wrote Gibbs and told him thank you for standing up and doing what those that elected him have asked for.
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