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Status Updates posted by SchmuckGirl

  1. I'm looking at you........

  2. Thanks! It was a good day....

  3. Makes sense.... I'm kinda dreading the ride to the meeting spot myself

  4. "Somewhere, someone is having a cupcake...." hilarious :lol:

  5. It's close? that's good. Yes, meet us there at 11:30 or so and you can take a look around with us.....

  6. Bike's together! Took it for a spin today and it was cold but nice to be out riding :)

  7. Damn, my albums are gone too? I'm too lazy to re-do all that crap!

  8. Too funny, I'm probably exactly the opposite. I like to go outside with the shotgun. It was way too cold that day, though, and my aim suffered from it. Being inside, in that busy range made me nervous. I had mike's 40 but it just wasn't working for me. I think I need to get more comfortable with a handgun that has less kick.

  9. So I was wondering if you have any tips for staying cool during a track day in full leathers. I'm nervous about the end of June just because it's going to be hot and possibly humid and I start feeling panicky when I get overheated. Have you picked up any habits over the years that you can share?

  10. Hey! Hope your birthday party was good.... Does your friend Mike want the pics I took of his little adventure?

  11. Saw Steph in class at the gym last night! It was a tough bootcamp, whoo!

    She showed me some cute pics of the daughter, too. Very sweet

  12. Yes, there is a ride planned in the Columbus subforum. We meet at 10:45 at Iron Pony and then head south. Probably too late of notice unless you already saw the thread.

  13. Whenever you would like. I'll be home all day

  14. Slowly but surely. My bro-in-law taught me how to patch my drywall holes and other than that, we have been painting, tearing up carpet, etc etc. Hope Justin is taking lots of before/after/during photos!

  15. Lol, sorry I don't have a sweet tank bag to stash my real camera, so I have to bring the baby camera... Not that I even own a real camera. No worries, I edited your fat fingers out and it's all good... now if only I could edit the goofy look off my face

  16. It's damn tempting to ask for the trailer spot but I think I'm going to ride down.

    I'm glad you posted what you did in the What am I Missing thread. I think you hit the nail on the head.

  17. Thanks! You shoulda seen this old guy's (who let us borrow the motorcycle) garage. He had 7 restored bikes (including a sweet Triumph) plus a 400hp cobra kit car. He was pretty badass for an old dude!

  18. That's what she said! That's alot. I've been doing Muscle Madness on Wedn nights and spinning class when I can. As tough as bootcamp was last night, I should probably do that one more often....

  19. It was def chilly but layers made it bearable. You'll have to head down with the next Hocking ride, the twisty roads are great! There was alot of gravel today, so that made it not as fun but overall a good day...

  20. Hi there.... sorry it took me a bit to respond. I was actually asking you about biking because I'm not sure what kind of bike to get myself.... I had a Trek that I bought for myself when I was about 12/13. I remember I really saved for quite awhile and I loved that bike. It lasted me for such a long time, too. It was probably a tad too small for me when it was stolen but I couldn't bear to part with it.

    My sister recently purchased a Giant, but it's a hybrid, which isn't what you're looking for. Anyway, she always puts alot of time into researching her purchases before she spends a good bit of money, so I would imagine that's a decent brand. Happy hunting!

  21. I'm getting pumped, dude!!!!

  22. Happy Birthday!!!!!

  23. So where are you shopping for a mountain bike? My Trek was stolen last summer....it made me sad. Where will you go ride once you have a bike?

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