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Status Updates posted by SchmuckGirl

  1. Good thinking....I didn't even remember to bring anything with me :(

  2. Did my boyfriend just seriously go to YOUR house to see YOU first?? REally??

  3. lol, Nanio is what my neice nicknamed me when she was a baby and Mike's been calling me Darth Nanio whenever I get mad at something :lol: He asked an admin to change my name....

  4. That's awesome! You two are so sweet :) Don't you just love riding with your significant other?!

  5. Ok, I was intrigued b/c you and I have the same bike. You definitely made it your own and it looks good! I went down on mine last summer and am just waiting to decide what I want to do with it so I can have it painted this winter.... I need to get down there for another Dayton ride this year but I can't do the 21st or 28th. Anyway, hope to see ya around some time.

  6. Ugh, i have a kickball game. The last one, finally, it seems like this season has been dragging on forever. I might try to stop by afterwards. Thanks for thinking of us

  7. ooooh, you made your page pretty again :)

  8. I miss you!!!! Where have you been??

  9. Hell yea. Intro thread.....

  10. Do you already have track leathers?

  11. HEY! Don't I recognize that kitteh in your sig pic??

  12. Oh you brat, you got it to work! I got my rep from the thread about buying a house....

  13. He's a good boy....

  14. So I'm interested to know about your flooring expertise. Some, ok most, of the houses I look at need the carpets ripped out but I have no idea how hard or expensive it is to replace or even what my replacement options are......so can I pick your brain?

  15. Did you go down on a Coshocton ride you did with Dweezel and get a ticket from the cop while in the hospital?

    Because BigCarbsLittleSmiles was pretty sure that was SchmuckGirl and I assured him this event has never happened to me.... I told him maybe ScrappyGirl, since you guys are pals with Dweezel and the names are somewhat similar

  16. Oh yes. I just lol'ed out loud!!

  17. Cool. I'll check back with you when I actually have a place but I'm looking now so it may be soon. It's really hard for me to figure out how much I can correct and what's too big to bite off! The thing is that I would like to learn to do some of this stuff myself too, instead of just having someone come in and do it!

  18. He licks to prep you for the biting!

  19. What's going on? Have you been awfully quiet lately or is it just me?

  20. Can't believe you need new tires already. I guess you musta put quite a few miles on this summer..... tried to head to Coshocton on Monday but the weather didn't cooperate. Oh well. I'll make it back to an O.R. bike night soon, I've just been having some other stuff on Thurs nights. Ok, just making sure you're still alive

  21. Hey there did you see my post about how to turn the avatars off for work?

  22. Hey, thanks for extending the invitation! We actually already invited a few people over to our house. Hope you have a fun time and Go Bucks!

  23. Sorry, I just realized I never responded to you. Work on the house definitely slowed down after we moved in. It's going to be hard to stay motivated! Chris will be building an entertainment center for us. I'm pretty excited about it!

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