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Status Updates posted by SchmuckGirl

  1. lol, you're going to be hating that name if you stick around for any length of time....

  2. I just noticed that you changed your name!

  3. you need to take a new pic of the bike for your avatar! :)

  4. haha, I had them fix it!

  5. Pretty good! That was random, Mike was showing me that there is a 'statistics' section of the forum and I saw that you were our newest member.....

  6. hahaha, Mike had it changed. Nanio was a nickname my neice gave me when she was a baby and Darth, well cause I'm a meanie! :lol:

  7. Sure, I'll keep my eyes and ears open for you. As of now, they are saying no new hires, no promotions, no raises into 2010. I don't see how they can predict that far into the future, I suspect they are just preparing us for the worst....

  8. Ok. I'm r-garing my bike right now and we're waiting on a master link from Iron Pony but hopefully it won't take too long. It's downright depressing not to have a bike on these nice days!

  9. I think I saw you cruising up Nationwide blvd today around 5:50, yes?

  10. :lol: it's probably just temporary. Mike was playing jokes on me :)
  11. Some times I forget how f'ing funny you are:

    schmuckingham, "pick up the pace, because all this site has been is bitching and a large group of tards trainwrecking threads into sheep fucking and taint rubs. Honestly every thread goes to the same place."

  12. My friend Giles took the picture. He's actually doing a series of 12 photos and making a calender. The framed work is on display at Kickstand Coffee on High st.... some of the others are way better than mine!

  13. Thanks Ben! I appreciate the fact that you stopped by and I really appreciate the fact that you left your lovely wife to socialize :D I think the house is more cozy than anything and there is room for potential improvement so we like it. By the way, I have a fantastic fire going in the den right now so I figure I should rub it in

  14. Not yet. Is that why he's been drooling over an air compressor? Or is it just an attachement to the water hose? omg, I know nothing!! haha

  15. Ok, as long as that's what Mike wants. I'm hoping he's going to head up this endeavor.

    I'll probably have you bring back the remainder of that countertop for me too. I'll just have my brother in law or someone see what they can do to finish off the corners.

  16. Is there some way to at least trim both edges so that they are the same length? Without injuring the walls

  17. Thanks for coming!! Especially since it was kind of a hassle for ya. Hopefully you can stay longer next time!

  18. Thanks. I come back to it every now and then....

  19. I would have loved to but I don't think my bike is fully back together. Mike was working on it today but I can't get ahold of him now. We just switched the gears and did a 520 chain conversion. Pretty simple and all I'm waiting on is a chain tool to put my master link on the bike. Frustrating and of course the weather is going to be so nice tonight! Anyway, let me know next time: 419-651-2747 and thanks for the invite -Ananda

  20. Are you two heading over to Hooters tonight?

  21. Do you know that motorcycles can park in Marconi garage for free? I use that one all the time. Marconi is off of Nationwide right near BDs Mongolian BBQ. When you enter the garage, just go in the gate that is cut halfway off ;)

  22. You leaving for Hooters from your place? wanna ride together?

  23. Mike's at the dyno so I'm going to head over for a bit. Catch ya next time

  24. Yep, check it out. The cut the one of the gates off last summer so it's pretty sweet for bikes. How was ComFest?

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