I had at apt with the Kingland Co on King Ave in Grandview up until I bought my house. I agree with everything Whodey and Flounder have said about the area, I absolutely LOVED it but the houses were way out of my price range so there was no way I could stay in that area. Anyway, my 1 bdrm w/ Kingland Co was only 500 sq ft and no dishwasher or AC but it was only $525 a month and they pay the gas and water bill. The number is 614-486-1922 if you want to call and see if they might have anything available for you in June. Incidentally, I never saw a person that worked there.... I did the application by picking up an envelope taped to the door, dropped my rent in the box every month, and terminated my stay by calling in and then leaving everything on the counter. The old lady that coordinates everything was pretty nice but she works very limited weekday hours.