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Everything posted by ninjachk08

  1. yea, dustin told me he was able to ride it. but i heard it also got impounded. im fine, no broken bones.. just 3 road rashes on my left leg and one on my left wrist. swollen ankle and knee. i got an immobilizer, and crutches if i need them. with vicoden, some muscle relaxer and ibprofin.lol. i was afraid you wouldnt find me either.lol.. then i really freaked when cars drove on by even tho i was waving them down..i had no idea where i was to tell the dispatcher. i got there at 12.45 and got releashed at 5.45. worst part was being on the board for over an hour.. i cried in pain.haha. till finally my doc came to check me out and take it off. then off, the cleaning of the wounds hurt.
  2. i have the s1. and i like it.. ive used one before that felt lighter than my fulmer, but, it survived the crash yesterday.. only a small scratch on the side.
  3. lol i wish i knew what that means??!! that was funny of garrett.. we all looked at each other like, nick who? sorry i ruined the ride guys.. i enjoyed it up to that point.lol. i felt like i was actually doin good too.
  4. granted, but you're still not liked i wish i didnt go ride yesterday
  5. looks like everyone had alot of fun.lol. sorry i missed it, was sick good to see people came in their street clothes made it in the door.
  6. id call you a dick...lol sorry, hope you dont take that personal
  7. guitar hero or rock band would be fun when you have people over. take advantage of the wii capabilities.. ddr, wii fit, or all the classic games of course, like mario kart, donkey kong, sonic, etc.
  8. yea, he rode with us yesterday.. he understands her point of view, cuz he said he would feel the same, if she was making comments about other guys. its just about the comments he was making about the pics on the porn threads.
  9. i know! i saw you and your wife walk in.. it was pretty packed. hi!

  10. how you know nick is coming?? i tho this was for sat, but now that its for sun.. i should be able to make it. id like to. it'll depend how i feel. hopefully i should be feeling better by then.

    hope your doing ok, get back with me when you can

  12. post-whores! lol both of you. i think most of us are whimps when its comes to riding in the cold.. unlike you two! it really sucks that i havent rode in awhile.. looks like i wont be able to ride till mid summer!! ive talked to dustin bout gettin mine ready for winter.. i havent rode since the end of sept for the charity ride. it sucks, but ive either been busy or its been cold.. or sick, like i have been this week unfortunately, like tomorrow, ill be busy cuz im going out of town for the day.
  13. damn girl, must be nice to always go out of town.lol ;) idk if im gonna go to the OR party.. been sick all week and had a rough night.

  14. im iffy on the early voting..i dont trust it. im goin tues.
  15. idk what happened, him and his wife was suppose to come to the meet and greet.
  16. how did it feel with the weather?
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