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Everything posted by ninjachk08

  1. granted, but you still have to work and not enjoy it i wish i wasnt lonely right now
  2. granted, it rains everyday i wish i was healed already
  3. ASS!! haha.. wow. i forgot all about that movie. lol loved the drunk guy tho
  4. granted, you'll never be a pro i wish id leave already for basic
  5. ive got it the last two years since i work with the ol folks.. its a never ending cycle in there.
  6. woot woot.. mine will be going up this year!
  7. huh? What'd you do to me?! Lol
  8. id worry bout gettin your license!
  9. yea it sucks.. i was under the weather last week.. i had trouble eating soup! lol
  10. i was ready to give advice.. even tho it was obvious
  11. haha.. good idea!! then i can be on a 600! woot
  12. ^ he's right.. left thigh yea, ankle is the worst.. down to the fatty tissue **UPDATE** went to the state highway patrol today. the cop was really nice, but he said since everyone was called, he had to give me a ticket..so i did get FAILURE TO CONTROL I have a court date, but idk if i have to show up yet or if i can just mail in my payment. im glad i took jess' advice. i called the tow place today $125 for call $30 for labor $25/day. at least he said with it being a bike, it is locked in a garage.
  13. granted, his wife kills you i wish i had a horse
  14. UHHH!! just like a boy! lol you got me! thats for sure.haha
  15. that would be kick ass.. its like renting only free!! woot woot
  16. ninjachk08


    i love the 2nd and 3rd
  17. ill meet ya if you decide to eat or hang out somewhere
  18. bout time your dad gets that nice car out! haha
  19. **just updated first post with pics**
  20. thanks matt.. we all make mistakes at some point and we learn from the and go on.
  21. i agree.. it could been rider error.. but you cant say i that i locked up the brakes.. you need to go back to the first post, cuz ive said i didnt use the brakes!
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