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Everything posted by ninjachk08

  1. lol wow.. i dont get those!!.. or at least i dont think..i dont open them open to find out. i think i get a few personalized ones as the subject, but i dont open them either.lol
  2. that would have scared the shit outta me too!
  3. oh.. thats pretty kool
  4. what building you talking about?? leave my school alone damnit!! lol
  5. im bummed cuz i cant ride at all i cant wait till next week
  6. hmmm... this is a great deal!
  7. men...i swear.. always stubborn to go to the doctor and always tryin to look mancho with other men.! yes, dont be like wolfman or dangbruy.. dont think its healed and take the cast off. it will heal, but you have to give it time and listen to the doctor!!
  8. wow thats awesome!
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