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Everything posted by ninjachk08

  1. thanks sinner.. got mine today. will post up pics this weekend
  2. why are some of them silver?? i tho the only colors was red, white and black?
  3. lol..ok..so! that was one time
  4. i think dayton is the slackers!! everyone but columbus.. i cant ever get a group ride in dayton. anyway, welcome another HH member!
  5. aw! im sorry i missed ya! but welcome..we'll def get together sometime
  6. lol yea me too! but its not too bad i guess living in brick city.
  7. call off! ive been asking him if he wants to ride down for bike night, but i keep gettin a "no" lol. but the bike looks awesome!
  8. if weather permits, dustin and i will prob be riding over to kil kare today(thurs).. just wanted to see if anyone would want to come along?!
  9. sorry nick and everyone.. i had to work today. def. next time. hope all of you had fun...sure was nice out!
  10. you dont either.. what i meant by that was i would be willing to ride down with you, to meet up with them.. but dont worry bout it. i didnt know i had to be from cincy/ky to ride ??
  11. thanks nick... there are other locals around you know??
  12. lol like i keep track of when your on??
  13. aw that sucks! i hate 2nd shift. i wont be making it out for bike night, sorry guys.. maybe here soon!
  14. never been there, but i might have to check it out now.. but no matter what chinese place i go to, i always get general tso's!! FTW is it located by the dayton mall? i did a search on their site, and it didnt come up with one in the dayton area?
  15. i'd like some.. i guess maybe white if i cant get green.
  16. hey nick, ill go riding with you today! i'm thinking bout goin to bike night tonight, but idk.. im waiting to hear from a friend. cuz i wont go that far alone. if not, it'll be kk for us!
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