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Everything posted by ninjachk08

  1. lol... i know her as in we're both on chicriders.com
  2. could i have someones number so i know what group im looking for when i get there?? haha
  3. welcome! i must say, i bought the bike before i learned..taking the class at the end of end the month. after i bought it, a friend taught me..on my bike!lol the 250 is a good beginner bike, its very forgiving
  4. lol.. well, i got out today and made it to centerville(my destination) but sure aint making it back.lol bike is stayin here and i have to get a ride home.
  5. wow.. didnt know it came that close to me! glad to hear everyone is ok tho!
  6. well then i might just drive my car up there!!.. been wanting to come, but dont wanna ride that far..not ready for that.. and dont wanna leave early cuz its gettin dark out :sad: but didnt know if i wasnt "allowed" if i dont ride up.haha
  7. ugh..stupid ohio weather!
  8. oh ok.. i was gonna say, i didnt do anything for nick to be mad at me
  9. lol dont worry, i know he's married.. i got the joke!
  10. ^ exactly.. besides.. at least the stunters will be sportbikes??
  11. ...or everyone could have listened to me!
  12. wow! thats crazy.. im dieing to see it!
  13. http://ginghamsburg.org/fileadmin/local/ministries/brokenchains/Documents/bike_blessing_flyer.pdf http://ginghamsburg.org/brokenchains/
  14. over on miller?? that would be awesome! btw nick, you def need to bring your bike out to kk.. there was a busa gettin beat by an r1!! show them how its done. busa was runnin 10's all night and r1 was gettin 9's
  15. i know on other forums the only way you can customize is if you paid to be a premium member
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