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Everything posted by ninjachk08

  1. lol not till next year. splitting bills, is gonna give me extra to save and/or pay down debt. I def. want to go shopping with you!!

  2. good to hear you're doing better! hang in there and stay strong. where are you guys living now?
  3. dustin.. it's called get a new phone! lol nice job ben!
  4. yup! been staying here a week now, but just got my things here over the weekend. just chris. anthony had to back out. yes, we're in OC. lol idk. i'd like to have a party, but we still need to get things in order first... the apt. is still pretty empty atm.
  5. lol nick! idk.. what is there to do around here. i know there's alot but idk my way around other than henderson,bethel,kenny area.haha.
  6. the pic isn't workin for me!
  7. I have today and tomorrow off, and I wanted to see if anyone would want to show me around? I just feel like getting out and exploring lol.
  8. you suck!!! (jealous...to think i should be graduating this week. ) congrats man! you should have a few months to start preparing for basic.
  9. pack your shit and move in with chris and I!!
  10. i used to live in Huber. to downtown cincy/across the river..it's a good 1.5hr... in a car.lol
  11. no! :( they started doing my security clearance, and a red flag came up. they cancelled me due to too much collection debt.. 6 weeks before i was suppose to leave. gotta pay it off before i can try again.

  12. hey! how ya doing over there?

  13. i feel old and lame too! lol can i join the club?
  14. i want to see vid's when your shirts come in!
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