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Everything posted by ninjachk08

  1. I posted it, cuz it's a motorcyle.. and not just a "normal" color theme.DORK! every other new bike, well, i either couldn't find, or nothing "fancy"
  2. do you still have the sv?? you should let me ride it with you on the z!

  3. lol. i'm trying to get a job i want now. lol. i just was looking for something available to get me here, now i'm looking for a nursing home or hospital for more money.
  4. ok.. i was just updating my resume, and it just looked funny. oh well, it'll get changed eventually..haha...
  5. no, not for the jobs i have.. for new ones. like putting in applications.
  6. Got a stupid question.. (yea i know....) does it make a difference or not when applying for a job and you have a long distance area code? bottom line, should i change my number??
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