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Everything posted by ninjachk08

  1. dont make me come to your house and drag you out! lol

    awesome.. got the job! and i might have a second one too! hehe

    columbus here i come!

  2. oh thats right.. i forgot! thanks todd for reminding me
  3. i guess he's wanting to try to do it this weekend.. so if everything goes well. still need to sign papers tho, so prob next week.

  4. glad to hear you guys are OK! i bet i know what you was saying screamin in your helmet haha lol
  5. yea jerm, i'll hang with you outside since i left ya this past weekend
  6. it was different. i laughed a few times, i think about the smart ass comments. i dont remember. i did have to turn my head when that guy was getting his head smashed.. good job on that scene!
  7. sorry it's been all day! lol. i texted some people when i got out of the interview, but i've been out celebrating and just got home! I walked in the office, and they told me to have a seat and sign in. there was 2 others there, and all i could think was "GREAT!".. i HATE group interviews. 3 others showed up after me, then the district manager walked in to start. He handed us all a peice of paper, that he had to read, telling about the job and what we'd be getting into. he said if we like the sound of it after he's done, we'll go on to the next step of getting us started. I was thinking what?! and that was it. he read the paper and we all got hired.lol. easiest interview ever. it's not like a fancy office job, so i'm not surprised, but it's something small to get me started before i can try to find something better. and another plus!! i THINK i got a 2nd job as well. I went over towards the apt., loooking for health care places near by. I went in one, and the lady seemed pretty excited to talk to me. She said they was hiring and looking for someone with experience! she said she would call my references, and for me to call her in 2 days to set up me coming back to get me fingerprinted and all that jazz!! SAWEET! Good day! i'm excited!
  8. i'm all for it! and i'll definately be adding my friend to the list
  9. hey! wheres that pic i'm waiting on?

  10. it was AWESOME!! lol i couldnt believe how many bikes i saw
  11. Thanks! i'm so excited.. i hope it goes well!
  12. lol.. no. i'll send you my number

    what concert?

  13. when the hell am i gonna see ya again?!

    tell carrie i said hi!

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