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Everything posted by ninjachk08

  1. damnit! i missed cornhole AND strippers had a fun time last night!! hated having to leave early, but squiding it + rain... not a good idea! lol. but we got back before it started..caught alot of wind tho. when we got there, whoever was around when jon said the bike was bumpy...yea, we got air after we left... the back tire was at 15psi! lol and he said it's suppose to have like 42 i think so i guess i'm not fat afterall. Thanks for having everyone over Luke! hope you have another one on a Fri or Sat.!
  2. Here's Blackie. My first dog. She was Chow/German Shepard. Had to put her down back in Nov 2008. Was 13.5 yrs old. This is Reese. She is a Yorkie/Havanese. She's 2.5 now bringing her home from the mall now This is Zane. He's a Lhasa Apso. He just turned a year. bringing him home from the mall now and this is when they was still getting used to each other. first time they got close.lol. Zane on left, Reese on right.
  3. nah.lol. they're very cute. but just took another look at the pics.. they are kinda big for an apt.
  4. ouch! lol and who said YOU are part of cincy? you're not even cool enough to be considered dayton OR cincy? i'll say i'm part of cincy since i'm coming with someone FROM cincy hows that?!
  5. no E, you WILL be there! even if i have to come get you in the cage! lol BUMP. IT'S TODAY KIDDIES!
  6. ok, just let me know.. but hey, i hope you can go! we could go together! ..maybe gets some beads?!!
  7. I've already put the date in my calendar! I haven't been able to go since 06! so i'm for sure going this year! jess, you might not be able to go? i know they made us stay in a hotel the night before.
  8. hey andy! so, did you ever decide if your keeping the repsol or getting a track bike?

  9. big group! sounds like a fun time. must have been alot of newbs(to the board)..don't recognize alot of faces.
  10. ouch! sorry to hear this happened to you.
  11. lol shut up! he's one of the guys that taught me to ride and learn the ropes! i can give him a hard time
  12. dustin, i know where you work and live!
  13. glad he's ok. is the guy with the 09 green/black RR on the site?!
  14. not me. i didn't know your bike is carb'ed?!!
  15. sorry to hear about the wreck,but i'm glad you are ok! hey, at least it wasn't the RR lol!
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