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Everything posted by ninjachk08

  1. i can do either, but i can only vote for one.. it doesnt matter for me..
  2. lol YEA! my second time meeting him, and he's the one to look for me and realize something happened.. i give him a lot of props! and here i tho nicky would always be there for me
  3. can we see it?? .. you know it see how "terrible" it would have been. lol
  4. that's why i voted for cmoose.. lol. he did pretty good gettin into RHCP. IP was close.. might have got my vote if he didn't mess up my fav. song ice ice baby! Kosmo was awesome! i love the dance moves!! that was a tough choice!! looks like it was a good time!
  5. wow! thats awesome.. i would have never known. i'll have to keep him in mind!
  6. lol maybe.. but i just gave you some good!
  7. having fun??!! haha

  8. lol i'll be sure to do that i wanted to, but there was no way i could do a late night at the bar and drive back to dayton.
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