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Everything posted by ninjachk08

  1. ^lol whodey should have put his face on eric instead..
  2. im always sick.. i have bad allergies so season change sucks for me.
  3. wow.. lookin at it like that. it would have been great! even tho i would have only got 5180, it would have got bills paid off and current. THEN maybe more american's would be willing to spend more on extra things cuz they're not spending their whole check on trying to stay afloat.
  4. idk about my side of the family, but Tom's somehow related to the Hummel Figurines family. Hummel is our last name.. too far distant to get money tho haha
  5. lol.. he wouldnt even once! puss..
  6. haha.. thats funny. i see it too!
  7. im sorry to hear that.. i've been told that's alot of pain!
  8. woo hoo! we'll have some fun!
  9. im gettin the hang of it, but still can't get more than 3k
  10. we better be nice if we want to go to the wedding in suits and helmets! haha
  11. lol.. i even had to tell tom what happened.. i actually lol'ed when i read what happened. but i know it's not funny to you, and hate to hear it maybe you should hang a tennis ball or something from the ceiling, so she knows when to stop when it touches the windshild.
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