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Everything posted by Mellogsxr

  1. Whenever you guys are ready... there was a kid on there last night that made the RedBullRookies' Cup for 2009. Pretty fast...
  2. I know some of you guys rememeber the GI JOE PSAs... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVRBBy65IYQ These dubbed ones are hilarious! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJQcJBjObEchttp
  3. That is a good suit and a great deal, I would've got it, but I didn't like the graphics on it. I got a great deal on my Spidi suit from them!
  4. Mike! Did you see your footage in part2! HAhaha
  5. I'm not the one filming in those videos...that video was from the intermediate group. My best that weekend was a 1:19 in the advanced group, using a laptimer attatched to my bike. It was my first trackday. Here's some of my footage...it's not as good. My first session in advanced. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL4f-hbNrKE Getting help for DB from a control rider... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9qlMraGC7A And footage of me, intermediate group...I know I wanna keep my head down. I'm still scared of T1 in this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mqCa2wUP78
  6. Your garbage... go play with your guns.
  7. Geez, I'm not hiding anything. I'll take all the criticizm I can get, that is the only way to get better at doing things, when ofcourse it is constructive criticizm and not discouraging. Believe me, in the line of work I do, that's all I get is criticizm. Everybodys a critic. The video was before I first went to the track.
  8. Yea, you can gain alot of time with T1. I started to figure it out on Sunday in advanced, and I seriously think that's what helped me get my :19. This footage has right where I first went into T1 "too hot", and in a sticky situation. At about 4:25 I'm on the inside in the blue/white&black racing the guy in red&white down the straight. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOLWJPD1-dM You can clearly see that if you make good corner speed through T1 it'll carry you all the way through!
  9. CbrGirl, don't forget about the instigator. I posted the videos for enjoyment and criticizm, not drama. You are trying to create drama.
  10. :rolleyes:No Lizard... the street is not like the track...:rolleyes:We all know this.
  11. That's Megerdeth in front of me butthead! Yea, Regina, she's a dream.
  12. Ok, I'm an attention whore... happy yet? Me me me me me me!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUsbji6TLmw This video only contains AssfaultJunkies. The girl I'm following in the beginning will leave most of you guys at the track.
  13. Purely stock modern machines... The best part about it was that he road home from Putnam, to Florence, Kentucky!
  14. Yea, look at my post count, I'm the biggest attetion whore on here. Seems you all enjoyed them. Thanks again!
  15. One of my favortie videos... he's riding a 95 Katana 600 on original suspension! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9PGAzFv1Gc
  16. Here's another view from part2...big groups are gnarly! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzzsW6FIp9I
  17. You guys are gonna love it and get more addicted to riding cause of the guys you are about to meet this season. And you will realize the drama is played... I can't wait either!
  18. Sounds good... Why don't you cough up the $7.99 and get smoked for a month...
  19. Thompson connects springdale and e.miami river road, at least that's how I run it... Either uphill or downhill. Those roads are the ones I road when I first started riding, on my GS500Fk5. I did a stupid thing one spring and ripped e.miami river road from harrison to colerian in 13 minutes. We're definitely gonna ride this season!
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