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Posts posted by shadyone

  1. I like two hearted and 60-90-120 minute. But that's about it for IPAs. I love dark beers brown ales red ales stouts porter. My all time favorite is heart of darkness by magic hat. Unfortunately it's been discontinued.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. They have this in England. But it's very strict entry. Have to know someone who can vouch for you and if something is screwed up you both get the boot. Also. Having access to security cameras to know who fucked shit up is key. Like the idea. But at a couple Hundo a month membership you could build your own bay.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. I wear earplugs at work constantly and will leave them in my pocket occasionally and run them through the washer. Good pairs last a long time this way.

    How do you keep them from tangling up you ask?

    Steal one of your girlfriends small hair clips and clip it on. Voila. No more tangled mess.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. Wow you guys are way over thinking this.. Im not fat but there are only a few cars that if it fell on me that id at least be able to use the suspension to my advantage and not be squished to death. hell most cars i can shimmy under if needed..  now this is if the wheels are all on the car.. if not that changes.. 

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