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Everything posted by cattmouch33

  1. Going to visit your friend I assume.....
  2. so after today the weather actually looks nice. Dustin you possibly have time on Sat or Sun to do an oil change, chain lube, and whatever else needs to be done????
  3. He has few good points but the end "Bikers must learn to obey the law like the rest of us." Makes me laugh
  4. yeah 76 yesterday and 44 today love the weather were having this month. Just gotta make the good days count, at least this month.
  5. Good for you nice shot the kid made by the way. Dustin you have fun riding yesterday?
  6. now now.... none of us get paid to work while at work
  7. not feeling the R1 that much... looks based or from the feel of the bike?
  8. Welcome new dayton memeber you ever put up the pics from the photo shoot
  9. Welcome to another cinci person
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