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Everything posted by magley64

  1. they weren't bad, went from a to b, and got 30 something per gallon, heat worked. 1993 grand prix $250 1994 Saturn SL1 $180 1988 GMC S15 $250 +$90 for frame.
  2. what a fool... /snark
  3. there used to be ambulance units available on ebay, they have since been banned i believe.
  4. am I missing something? it's a 20" bicycle...single speed... retailed over $400? who would pay that? you could get something the same size with a decent engine for that if you look hard enough. Shit, I've gotten 2 cars for less... people are crazy.
  5. rode monday night, depends on what the weather does, might be putting her in the corner for winter next weekend.
  6. I guess first impressions stick with me the most. when I signed up, i was greeted with the usual arrays of welcomes, and one "go away" from dweezel. I remember thinking, "wow, what kind of anti-social ass is this?" The first ride I went on was fonzie's original pitt stop which ended up being re-routed due to weather. When we got to hanoverton from mansfield, we met up with dweezel, and he lead the ride down through coshocton into roscoe villiage, and whitewoman street. Somewhere along the way, benyen got something in his eye, and forever got branded by DTC members as pirate ben. During that time, dweezel stopped at every rite-aid looking place trying to find ben something to get his eye healed up. I remember thinking, "wow, I had this guy pegged wrong, what an awesome dude" Also during the trip, fonzie tried to turn his blackbird into a dual sport by taking one of the curves a little wide, he ended up saving it... We all had dinner at the restaurant on whitewoman street, then shittygsxr and someone else (forgot who it was, srry) brought the car down to collect pirate ben and ride his bike home for him. After that ride, I was hooked.
  7. that's what I'm sayin... aside from decapitation, crashing, exploding, lighting on fire, or engine failure...
  8. ed zachary, and I do appreciate all the input. Now what I do with my information is mine to decide...
  9. http://cosmos.bcst.yahoo.com/up/player/popup/?cl=23151970 wtf is "firstness"?
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwDDxZWHZAQ
  11. Thanks, but... If I understand my aircraft well enough to design and build it, then I should have no trouble operating it once I do. Thanks for the input though.
  12. bigger speakers, new paint, and some luggage.
  13. If getting off the ground is the easy part, why do so few do it?
  14. wow... I think you are getting awfully worked up about a pet project of mine in the concept phase. I realize there are regulations, but i'm not concerned with them at the moment, I'm more concerned with physics, those are the laws that are most pressing. the FAA and I may have a run-in but I can't imagine it's going to be on my first flight, or on any of my test flights. (I'm pretty much in the middle of BFE here, as likwid, and scott can attest) The only encounters I MIGHT have are with sheriffs dept, jefferson PD, and OSHP. (assuming they spot my little device and ask me about it) so I was asking for their procedure. standard and personal. I appreciate all the input you've given, but if it pisses you off so bad, go to another f*cking thread.
  15. unless we're talking black ice conditions, I agree here... My experiences were almost exclusively open highway hits, 55-65
  16. Depending on the vehicle, ill stop and asses, if its a tank/only covered by liability, ill worry about it later.
  17. oh shit that's far in the cold.
  18. I wouldn't have stopped but to check my car. I'm definitely coming off like a jackass here, but there is no reason for a dog to be in the road. I've hit plenty of vermin, from coons, to possums, to frogs, the occasional snapping turtle, turkeys, and deer. To me a stray dog is no different. scenario 1, owner's fault: didn't properly leash, house, or train the dog. Their fault. scenario 2, stray... if it was dumb enough to be in the road then it was too stupid to survive anyway, go darwin. If we keep killing animals that get in the way of cars then the only ones left to survive will be the ones with an instinct to check before crossing.
  19. to be honest, i have no idea wtf this is, or what it's used for.
  20. there are way cooler "cases" out there...
  21. cmon man, all concept work is done on the computer, you don't just go out and start bolting propellors to engines...
  22. I don't bother with pennies. Most vehicles can't keep up with my bike, so if I see someone too close, I just hit third gear, and rock the throttle hard.
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