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Everything posted by magley64

  1. anyone convinced by this chain letter wasn't watching ABC or NBC at this point anyway. This chain letter is for Fox's loyal fanbase
  2. passing lane, on their ass, nailing the horn, flashing the high beams... they will get the clue.
  3. Screw car alarms, Keep full coverage on your car, and don't leave anything of value inside, they have no need to smash your windows if you don't lock the doors.
  4. ha, thanks. I'm not looking for a kit though, I'm an engineer at heart, and if I don't design and build it myself, then I won't be happy with it.
  5. thanks al, Would you approach a helicopter such as this if it had just landed in a grocery store parking lot? If so, what would you say to the operator?
  6. I usually only cross double yellows when passing slow people...
  7. I dunno if they do or not, but we can still make it one....
  8. pic is fixed, can't imagine why he'd be on the wrong side of the road if it's a clear straightaway, the only reason to cross lanes is to make a tight corner shallower... and given that logic, I agree with our friendly ghost, that is one crazy cager fucktard.
  9. Weather is supposed to be pretty decent, post up when you plan on showing, I'm probably going to make this my last bike night of the year.
  10. i'm stoked, loved the original as a kid... might trek out to an imax 3d theatre for this one
  11. cause none of us ever do that... An example of what I'm looking for. Q: what happens if I ride a motorcycle without a license? A: usually nothing. Unless you are pulled over for speeding, blowing a red light, popping wheelies or some other offense in the ORC,or if you crash, the cops will probably never ask you to produce a license. If you do get pulled over for something, or crash, the cops will ask to produce license, registration, and proof of insurance. The lack of a license will result in a fine, and quite probably the impounding of your vehicle. Police will call a towtruck, and drag your bike to the impound, and write you a citation. Q: what happens if I build and fly my own personal chopper?
  12. what happens when you're called in? what's the protocol? who approaches you? how do they approach you? what questions do they ask? and why are you automatically assuming I'll be unsafe/ landing on roads? parking lots maybe, but not roads. and what are the odds I'll see a plane? I don't see planes out here hardly at all. why would they assume my little chopper is unsafe?
  13. thank you, but that still doesn't answer my question about how it's enforced. I've seen several oshp, sherrifs, and local pd's, but i've never seen a faa agent. Who is responsible for enforcing these laws? automotive laws regarding vehicles on the highway are OSHP, Local PD's are responsible for some highway, but mostly non highway within their towns/cities (domestic abuse, robbery, murder, etc etc.), and the sherrifs are responsible for cleaning up everything else (some highway, some domestics outside the cities etc etc.) who's going to approach me about my aircraft, and what is the protocol? that's what I want to know. That's why I was asking for LEO input, "Would you approach someone who had just landed something like this, and what would you say to them?" "Are you aware of/trained in/fluent in the federal regulations?" and "how would you handle it?"
  14. there is no way I'm taking this thing above the radar floor, there is no reason for me to fly that high.
  15. we got a 340 and a 250, the 340 with the wheels is mine... the 250 is all brown and oranged up (and now has a new seat, too lol)
  16. so you're saying make sure the aircraft is well armed...and fast?
  17. this is kinda sick for black and silver IMO (disregard the gay tire)
  18. here is a pic of the frankensled. wheel system is not terrible, design still needs some tweaking...
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