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Everything posted by cbrbrent

  1. Another great ride it was good seeing and meeting everyone
  2. I will be there looks like it will be fun
  3. Ya sounds good I rode it anyway
  4. cbrbrent

    Coshocton Ride

    i can give u directions at the hocking ride
  5. hey you going on the hocking ride sat at 9am

  6. I will meet u guys if u dont mind
  7. cbrbrent

    Im back

    Welcome back see ya soon
  8. I know the one finger salute. USE IT TO OFTEN TO CAGERS THAT DONT PAY ATTENTION
  9. Todd & TARR u want to meet at KFC at 10:10
  10. I have to do more. If i could i would go this saturday.
  11. I had a great time today and can't wait to do it again. It was good seeing and meet everybody. Thanks for the pointers also
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