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Status Updates posted by juliejuliejulie

  1. hahahah STALKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. he goes back in to give blow jobs to these "high up people"... dont let him fool you... he's gay.

  3. Hello hello! Don't mind cypress... he's a regular "leg humper" ;)

  4. Hey Bkizz!!! How are you doin?

  5. Hey Bret! Don't ask Travis any questions... whatever he says is a lie.

    I just moved out to New Albany a few months ago. Where do you live?

  6. hey do you have any paper towels i can borrow? I hear you are the man to ask ;)

  7. hey dude! yeah maybe.. its hot as balls out there.... ;)

  8. Hey girl! how's everything going? Are you going to come to any bike nights this week? Try for Thursday at wings and rings... it is the most fun and best Ohio Riders turnout :D

  9. hey girl!!! Fun hangin out the other night :) you are awesome! Will you be out this week?

  10. Hey hey! Thank ya ;) I will most def be calling you sometime. I don't have my license yet, but I'll have it by the end of the month...

    How was last night?

  11. Hey hey! Thanks for the invite! I hate that this is the on day of the week that I'm completely slammed :( Have fun and be safe!

  12. hey i put up some pics on my profile...

  13. Hey Jerm! Thanks for the cozy welcome.

  14. Hey Mark! Sorry I missed your msg. You need to email casper and tell him to change your settings. Will you be out at any bike nights this week? I'll probably only make it to W&R on Thursday. See ya there?

  15. Hey Recon - Check out this site... I know you are into flying things, so I figured you would appreciate it as much as I do :)


    The ISS normally has the best mag, so easiest to see. Tonight I watched the ISS pass at 2307 and it was dead on... amazing!

    The STS-127 and the ISS are going to hook up sometime this month. I guess you can clearly see them in formation. Might be cool to get a group ride out somewhere with little light polution to check this out. It's really incredible how dead on the timing, alts, and mags are. :)

  16. Hey Stranger!! Things are going pretty well... ups and downs, but mostly UP!! What's new with you? Have you found a job yet?

    I stopped looking for a 600... I have my bike up for sale and hopefully I'll save up the rest of what I need for a new bike in the spring. We'll see though... I'm not in a huge rush. I'm sorta attached to my bike :D

  17. Hey Travis.... Its Julie! I finally got a bike ;)

  18. Hi :D I think we will probably be there somewhere between 7-730ish..... Sound good?

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