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Everything posted by BonkerS

  1. Looked pretty darn good, then I got to the taint rubbing part...I lol'd a bit then,
  2. Glad you came out unscathed. Scary what a small lapse of attention can do. I would have been into the side/rear of a van today myself that pulled out right in front of me at a McDonalds. Luckily I anticipated him doing it and was able to stop in time. I was going to go off on the guy, but he had his kids in the van...so he got the death stare instead. lol
  3. Welcome to the habit. Nice bike. I've been hearing a lot of good things about the new(er) Ninja 250's. Looks like a good find!
  4. BonkerS

    Roping a Deer

    I believe that was in reference to it going crazy. It was not a literal translation of "exploded..." as in BOOM! btw...hilarious. About as funny as the idiot who put deer piss all over himself and got pwned by a buck.
  5. Things are going to get really ugly in the times ahead. This country is already in a bad place with this terrible and corrupt government that continues to strip us of our constitutional rights, and with it's methodology of ruling the populace by fear. Come on, seriously, Obama already has things so stacked in his favor that we cannot even get the Supreme Court to side with the people so that we can truly know where our current president was born. Yes, it's something simple, but we, as a people, deserve to know that information if we so desire. This is, after all, the man that speaks on behalf of all of us as a nation. I fear for this country and it's people. We have turned our backs on the general principals that the United States of America was founded on, and now we continue to turn a blind eye as our government continues to strongarm the populace and continually gain more power by striping us of our rights. We already failed by letting the Executive branch become too powerful. The whole purpose of the three branches were for checks and balances...and I'm sorry, but that is no longer in place. I believe that we have reached a point of no return, and it will take a major event to reverse the damage that has already been done. Hold on to your hats people, because things are bound to get much worse...
  6. Welcome to the site, and the addiction!
  7. Doubt it, they'll legalize marijuana and tax the crap out of that too before they would ban smoking...too much money to be made. But I agree, just stop smoking.
  8. Are you sure that was a monthly quote or for a whole year? I did the same thing at first when I got my 600RR, but then realized it was $234 for the entire year. That's with full coverage and a $500 deductible (think I'm going to lower it now that I think about it) Progressive quoted me at $1500... That's with a perfect driving record and I was only 24 at the time.
  9. Wow! That is turning out hella nice!
  10. Thank goodness. I thought this was a literal thread on pissing yourself while riding... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKRtdgQhVbw#t=02m00s Seriously though, glad you came out w/o any real harm done. How's the gf btw? F-150 vs. Fusion does not seem like it would be all that pleasant...
  11. BonkerS


    rofl... I see what you did there. Still the best Goatse pic (kind of oxymoronic) I ever saw was one hidden in one of those Magic Eye things. I totally about pissed myself when I finally made it out.
  12. Just a tip, if you completely FUBAR the cone swerve, don't worry about it. People fail very often from the cone swerve & u-turn part. Keep in mind, if you blow by all the cones, you can only get a max of 3-pts. If you miss those cones and panic trying to make it and put your foot down, you get additional deductions for each foot plant. Moral of the story is...if you have all your other skills down pat, blow through the cones and you'll pass just fine. Luckily I knew this going in, so when I missed the third cone, I just kept on going straight and set my focus on my u-turn. Those were the only 3 points in deductions I had. Just go in confident and don't psyche yourself out. Honestly, the BMV test is cake, and is really a poor judge on testing someone for a motorcycle liscense IMHO. I passed it after riding for only 2-weeks on my CBR600RR. I didn't take the MSF Course myself, but would recommend it for people who are uncomfortable with anything while on their bike. Don't be one of the scrubs that rents a scooter or whatever either. If you can't pass it on the bike you'll be riding, then go take the MSFC.
  13. Actually if you have the version for the Xbox360, you CAN use GH drums for RB, it's just that you won't use one of the cymbals and most of the songs aren't set-up to distinguish cymbal hit vs drumhead. You just won't get the 'correct' experience I guess.
  14. So far I mainly use mine when going to soccer or want to bring a more comfortable change of clothes when I get to where I am going. I just use my Targus laptop backpack I got a few years ago at Best Buy. It works fine and dandy for my use. Has a waist clip to better secure it, pads on the back for comfort, and a handy little phone pouch on the shoulder strap for easy access.
  15. ^ A civil war? I think that is a ridiculous and extreme notion. As Harb said above me here, it's a matter of Americans getting off their lazy arses and start doing something about the massive amount of government corruption and distrust as opposed to scapegoating and complaining without action. This government knows very well that todays society can easily be duped and controlled due to it's inability to unite and stand up for itself. Take a simple look at the constant fear tactics being used by the government, press, etc. Can anyone say "Terror Alert?!" ...and with the current policy on wire-tapping and the spying on American citizens for something like them talking poorly about this government reminds me a lot of a Dictatorship...oh wait, but it's all for our own protection Bush says! I think Benjamin Franklin sums it up the best: "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." As Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, "The only sure bulwark of continuing liberty is a government strong enough to protect the interests of the people, and a people strong enough and well enough informed to maintain its sovereign control over the government." Unfortunately we have a government that is more concerned about it's own interests than the peoples', and a society that mostly chooses not to stay informed and is too lazy to take action.
  16. I totally saw a disco ball in that garage!
  17. ...I'm almost afraid to laugh... ...almost. ROFL! That's soooo wrong.
  18. ...shame on you! I'll be honest, as a kid I was a huge Cowboys fan (before they were pimp with Emmitt Smith, Troy Aikman, and Michael Irvin) and I HATED the Browns. Then after we lost 'em and they came back in '99 I've been a huge Browns fan ever since. It's not been an easy road, but I will never be a fair weather fan!!! GO BROWNS!!!
  19. No it's not that bad around there. It's going to be a long walk from there, but I don't think you'll have too much to worry about otherwise. If you were walking north, that might be a different story. I dunno about parking your bike there though, but then again, I'm paranoid anytime my bike isn't secured in a garage. Only areas I would worry about around here are (from downtown Mansfield) north, northeast, east, and west to Bowman road area. I live just barely south of downtown and it's a lot better than it was when I first moved here. Mansfield tends to have a bit of a stigma from those who don't actually live in Mansfield that it's some God forsaken place. I was paranoid too at one time, but really it's a sissified version of anything you'll see in Cleveland. Like I said, all your "bad" areas are more centered around the downtown area. I have several friends that work for MPD and been on some ride-alongs, let alone I work in Corrections. I would like to think that I know what I am talking about.
  20. Yeah here's one for ya. Just the other week I was heading down 603 towards Mohican/Malabar Farm. A little after I had turned onto the road, a beagle pup ran out in front of me. I slammed on the brakes and brought up the rear then proceeded to swerve around it. Not even one mile later, I pass a house and right at the woods line, a f00king vulture comes out of a tree and couldn't seem to flap it's wings enough to keep it's fat arse up and sunk down right level with my head. I about pissed myself and slammed on the brakes and I don't think I could have tucked my body anymore into the bike. lol Luckily I missed it, but the thought of that big-ass bird meeting my head @ 70mph (yes, of course I had a helmet on) was not pleasant to say the least. The beagle pup didn't even phase me, but that bird kinda shook me a bit after. lol ...would have been one hell of a way to go out though!
  21. You try power cycling (unplugging for like 10 seconds) the router yet?
  22. Me and my buddies used to go down to Splatter Park every weekend back in the day, then we all just got too busy with crap and got stuck with having to work every weekend. It's been a long arse time since I've played, but I would definitely be game for playing again. Good Lord, I've dumped so much money into my marker/gear, no need for it to go to waste aye?!
  23. Was heading down rt 97 through Lexington and passed a fairly large group of sport bikes stopped at a gas station off of 71. Wondering if was any of you? Thought about stopping and making some acquaintances, but unfortunately was on a tight schedule at the time. :\
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