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Everything posted by BonkerS

  1. Congratulations. Your lower insurance premiums can go towards yer lodge trips.
  2. Yeah, if movies are your priority, I vote PS3 for you sir!
  3. Yeah, you pay like $50 a year for LIVE (which isn't that bad for the service), but then if you want to receive additional content over live (i.e. movies, T.V shows, buy games, etc.) you have to use Microsoft Points...which cost money to get. A note on the Red Ring of Death (RRoD): That really mainly plagued the older model 360's. The new version (has the HDMI output) should have fixed that issue. My first one RRoD'd and I got a brand new one with my Best Buy Service Plan. People who ship them off to Microsoft get refurbished model's and have a chance of experiencing the problem again. So far I've been very impressed by the newer version in terms of cooling and quietness in comparison to the older... note: When I say "newer version" I'm referring to all the models of 360's (elite, pro, arcade...whatever they call them now). They updated them so they all (except maybe arcade) have HDMI output...not just the elites. Like I said before, if you want it for purdy DVD's, go PS3 for Blu-Ray. If you want it for gaming, I'd say go Xbox360. 360 is known to be more "developer friendly," they update fairly often (both games, and console firmware), and you have oodles of content at your fingertips with LIVE. Oh, game demos are free...which is nice if you want to try a game before you buy without renting it. In terms of visual quality with games, honestly, there is really next to no difference except how they handle lighting/shadowing. They both look excellent. Frame rates are great on both as well even though early on the 360 was better in that category. So really, it comes down to your own personal opinion and what you're looking for. They both share many games and have a few of their own platform titles. Either way, there are many benefits to either system. I bought my Xbox360 on the PS3 launch day...that was the money I had saved up for a PS3! ...I've not regretted it once. Good luck!
  4. The Wii is good shiz. I have one myself as well. Usually gets attention when you have friends over, especially those who normally wouldn't play games. Lotta fun, especially when drunk (just make sure the Wii-mote is strapped to your wrist! rofl).
  5. If you're really just looking for a DVD player, go with the PS3. HD-DVD has already been dropped and Blu-Ray is the winning format for High-Def DVD's. I love my 360 especially with LIVE, and all my friends have 360's, but like you, I'm thinking of getting a PS3 for Blu-Ray. "...you can watch a large selection of HD movies for free." Where did you hear/see that? If you're talking about the content on LIVE, you pay for it, it's not free. Movies and stuff on there cost Microsoft Points, which you have to buy those points with money...
  6. Granted, but it's actually a "tube steak" with added protein supplement...if you catch my drift. I wish that the next person wouldn't corrupt this wish.
  7. If you guys ever switch days, I would be interested. As it stands now, I made it so I work Sunday mornings because I have my co-ed soccer league games @ 4/6pm on Sundays.
  8. Granted, but on your way home you decide to pick up a hooker. Unfortunately for you, the hooker is an undercover cop and you spend the night in jail and receive a hefty fine... I wish I could fly a fighter jet.
  9. Wish granted, but you'll blow all of your money on STD ridden, toothless hookers and become the laughing stock of any community you're a part of. I wish I were an Oscar Mayer Weiner...
  10. haha too fast...pssh! It's a quick/panic stop! Congratulations on the endorsement.
  11. Yeah, the written permit test is a freaking cake walk. I had only skimmed through the book they give you with the packet a lil' beforehand (although I had been researching/reading up on riding for months) and didn't miss a single one. Most of the test was general Ohio traffic laws with some motorcycle related questions thrown in here and there. My buddy that went with me didn't know jack about riding and didn't look at/read anything. Went straight in, took test and passed...granted he almost failed, but still passed. So if you know Ohio traffic laws, and skim through the MC booklet, you're golden. Congrats on the permit, and welcome to the habit! Oh, and the test was 40 questions total. Once you answer 75% correctly (which is 30 if you miss none) then the test automatically stops and you pass. So you'll answer 30-40 questions depending on your competency level.
  12. ...priceless. Just more proof that God dislikes doubling up with another guy!
  13. I didn't think it was hard at all. The only pain is the cone weave IMHO. I had been riding for only two weeks, took it on my 600rr and passed with only five points in deductions (missed 2 cones in the cone weave, lol). Three others were there though. Two of them were on 250cc bikes, one of them failed on his 600 and borrowed the 250cc, third guy was on a lil scooter. The two guys on the 250cc bikes failed half-way through, scooter barely passed with 10 points (11 is failure). Biggest thing is not getting worked up if you FUBAR the cone weave, just make sure you keep trucking along, keep your feet up, and nail the u-turn (LOOK WHERE YOU WANT TO GO, NOT THE LINES!!!). Everything else is a cake walk!
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