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Everything posted by warpspeed

  1. Looks like good times I want a dual sport SO bad!!!! I actually rode the bike today at "work"----ran some errends and picked up some parts!!! FREAKIN humid!!
  2. I used to have the 8500 x50. Dang good piece....BUT it aint gonna save your ass from laser, which most of the SHP is using. SOMEDAY when I have a buncha extra money, I'm going to put a x50 on the bike, along with laser jammers on the front and back. AND have 12'oclocker make me a "ACTIVE" radar jammer, which actually works (the legal ones are "PASSIVE" and are a scam. Moral of the story......don't speed.
  3. another twitter thread j/k. congrats on the temps. best thing is riding at night. legally.
  4. Hmmmm I shall have to go back to my school and walk by the classrooms for RETAKING the OGT's....and see what color is dominating the room. The ones with sagging pants used to be the majority.
  5. Pool sticks can be lethal!!! looks like good times!!
  6. I got a tank mount ordered.....gonna use my digital camera (which takes amazing vids) with it. If I decide i don't like that I'll get a gopro. The bullet cams suck imo....too much trouble to turn on etc....the gopro is one unit which is nice. tank mount:
  7. warpspeed


    I'm looking forward to COD6
  8. wheelie your zx14 on grass?????? wtf I can't even hook up in grass

  9. warpspeed


    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAAA those landscapers were some sick bastards
  10. warpspeed

    free air?

    I've never had to pay for air, I just went in the gas station and told them to turn the darn thing on. AND I have a HUGE air compressor at home.
  11. you mean she's in a coma or dead??? any news articles? thats whack.
  12. ok yea your right I take that back...I was thinking about someone else. I bet you can whoolie that zx nicely :D

  13. no that was the dude on the r1...i think its afrocbr's boy. Now, lyndon can do them pretty well but I told him not to be dicking around on the group rides. Hell i can wheelie too but not as "smoothly" as that guy on the r1.

  14. kinda a durr question......does that one girl in the blue work at IP? looks like one of the girls i saw in there
  15. yea i got some good video...but didn't get the last bit of the ride with the "big air" (i was expecting it, so the starfish was fine) whats a good free easy vid editing program? nice meeting some new people.....good times.....cept the fawking bicycles!
  16. OK i might be there....just me. Nick I'll call you in the mornin if i'm gonna be there.
  17. trying to make it sound less squidly with yamaha in the title
  18. lolz. So i know which way to turn when i'm 5 miles back from the front of the choochoo train. You know how it gets pretty stretched out with alot of people. leroy might/might not. the sqUIb on the gixxer or r6 might come with. twitter at you later
  19. this is gonna be quite the choochoo train....idk how many-if any- are coming with me. Damn i wish I knew the roads down there.
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