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Everything posted by warpspeed

  1. I know a few roads around g-town. Not much at eaton, just here and there has decent curves. and cops. (cops are not decent)
  2. I tore out a fence, mowed the yard, pulled a tire off the skidsteer to get fixed.......
  3. WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT @ THAT dude's avatar!!!!!
  4. let me go buy leadwing and I'm down!!!!
  5. another+1 for full coverage insurance... even if it costs me $1500/ yr :/
  6. I will try to make this one.....gonna dress light tho....its HOT
  7. meh to 2 brothers also.... Leo-vince, jardine, & akro are good. Yoshi is ok.
  8. junk sale more like.
  9. This prank is better NWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=c5f_1196066349 NSFW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. looks great. Looks like that r6 has quite a few nooks to get into....I use a 5 step process w/ Mequires on my stuff.
  11. HA. and plus 1 to rrider i been crazy busy too
  12. if you put your hand out the window it will tuuuuurrrrrnn
  13. well the tomtom i had before the garmin wouldn't even turn on
  14. Garmin FTW too! My quad topped out at 70mph.
  15. wendy's bacon should make anyone sick. and thier fries suck. Only good thing is the frosties and then the cheeseburgers are ok too. Wish i coulda made it to the dyno tho
  16. my dad had one of those......and a cushman eagle before that...........wish he still had them!!
  17. go fast enuf and rain wont stick to the shield tru story
  18. My buddy got a 93 cr125 in pieces for $300...put $300 in rebuilding it, got it running saturday--she rips!!!
  19. I smiled when I saw the 4x4 holding the tailgate up
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