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Everything posted by HellBender

  1. how much for the bi-pod??
  2. eh i went into hinds ready to throw down $10,000 cash on a new 2008 Triple Speed- Gave the salesman my name/number. Never heard back, bought my bike somewhere else. If you don't like the service go somewhere else!!!
  3. Hello everyone, just curious to see how many other R1 riders are out there. If anyone near Columbus is down for a spirited ride and knows some good roads let me know.
  4. that sucks. lesson learned- if you don't want your shit stolen, protect it. Lock Lo jack Alarm
  5. Honestly if you are stupid enough to name your kid "sex fruit", "sshould beana blowJ" You should have your dick cut off or your uterus sterilized with a soldering iron. some people shouldn't be allowed to breed.
  6. Wow. You guys are so sweet i cant wait to party with you fellas!
  7. Dude i do that on a daily basis. Most are ugly, mentally slow and dangerous behind the wheel.
  8. It's hard to get a ticket when your bike can't make it over the speed limit!! :lol:
  9. You been beating your meat too much!?
  10. Mobil 1 owns UDF.... So, Do the math.
  11. No this is "Miles per hour" not hours per mile.....
  12. 189 on a 2006 CBR1000RR- only thing i had on it was a micron slip on.
  13. What do you mean "work" ? Does it keep your bike cooler? Yes. it works. Does it have a 9-5 job m-f? No. it doesn't work. lol
  14. What type of coolant do you guys run on the street? I've always used engine Ice so i can track the bike- Anybody have a strong opinion on what to use with Ohio weather?
  15. Carmax can suck on my cock. they are retarded.
  16. HellBender


    For all of you who love plexus and hate the $13+ price tag: http://impressionsinflight.powweb.com/advanced_search_result.php?osCsid=590a8af10c870f0017a421b421d41f77&search_in_description=1&inc_subcat=1&keywords=plexus&osCsid=590a8af10c870f0017a421b421d41f77&x=0&y=0 You can get it for 6.99/ 13 oz can Shipping is reasonable (around 11 bucks) - I bought 4 cans and paid a total of $39.xx
  17. I thought I would help you out with your spelling: Flag football is on its way. Here is the list of all the names posted so far. It is not too late if you still want to sign up. NEW INFO: So far two 10 person teams. First Game will be On Sunday June 29th. I will post the location of site closer to the date. Every Sunday to follow until championship. Each game will start @ 10:30. I know it will be a little early for some, but it will still be somewhat cool out & allow us riding room afterward if anyone feels up to it. Thank you for all who are participating.
  18. fuck the helmet strap. Buy a small cable you can run through your helmet (through the visor hole) and use that. Its too easy to cut through your helmet strap. A $400 lid is worth a $5 cable.
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