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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. have ya seen a doc yet? maybe ya need a high power antibiotic...

  2. having a great time.. sheesh, dirty mind!!

  3. having fun at work huh??

  4. hay sexci!!! lol might sees you tonight at hilliarddddd...

  5. heading to your house now.... gonna try to wrap some more shit up for ya...

  6. heard you are looking for a mustang... saw this thought of you... http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/1244360811.html

  7. heard you weren't feeling well, hope you are feeling better, maybe come to the KofC for newyears eve? I need ta get ya your dish back too!! LOL

  8. helllllooooooooooooooooo

  9. here's the link with the windshield.... at least a pic of it anyway http://www.webbikeworld.com/motorcycles/suzuki-tu250/

  10. hey babe.... whs shakin besides that cute lil tushy???

  11. hey babes, you and ben are invited to come watch the jacket red wings with me at the hall tonight, game starts at 5 pm.... c you there!

  12. hey bitch you down for beers on sunday in picktown????

  13. hey bitch you down for riding today???

  14. hey bitches I needs you to come down to the pub and talk with the gm about playing down here this summer.... gimme a call bubby..

  15. hey boo.... wanted to let ya know I have my amsoil dealer number now if you and jim ever wanna get your oil thru me I can get it @ wholesale... beats retail and I can get the filters and everything for the cars bikes etc...

  16. hey bro, you and the wife gonna make the cook out on the 11th?? hope to see ya there... I promise to have better music.. lol...

  17. hey bro... I got an offer on the dishwasher, I need to know if you still want it, otherwise I can make 200 bucks on the deal and install it for this guy this week... You still gots dibs on it though.. also the knights are asking me to remind ya about the tartar sauce need it by thursday night or someone will have a stroke LMAO... thanks mang...

  18. hey bub you order that stuff??? I didn't see anything on the site as far as orders placed

  19. hey bub... you still thinking about selling one of the z's?

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