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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. of course at least you are working and pulling down some cash....

  2. hope you at least got kissed

  3. well if you aren't going there really is no reason for me to go.... art would be about the only person I'd really hang with, kawi and casey aren't gonna go neither is todd or shawn... just a bunch of drunk 20 yr olds... not my scene...

  4. you better hustle your ass home so we can shit n get....lol

  5. hey dude you got any plans for tonight?? wanna come over with carine and watch the final playoff game with me??

  6. what are you wearing right now?.... LMAO.... smile you are on hidden camera!!!

  7. like my new sig line???

  8. I posted up pumpkin.... now lets see how many lame asses don't come to the party..

  9. hey man you not feeling well??? tried to call ya last night, steve said you were pretty tired...

  10. wtf man...... you get 2 titles and I'm not even listed as a damn sponsor?!? LOL oh well you always were a glory hound!!

  11. so we gonna ride this weekend or work on the house the whole time??

  12. I picked a date bubby....

  13. hey el duche' you gonna commit to the cook out or what???

  14. well from your place come across 670 to 270 south get off on main st reynoldsburg exit and hooters is right there on the right side.... from 70 get on 270 north same exit towards reynoldsburg.... or you could google map the address, I should be there round 330p

  15. or beat steve and take his bike out and wreck it for him?

  16. yes, MJ, lust of everyone's life...

  17. how'd you guess??? I thought he hid it well.... you know you are just gonna be his beard....

  18. you home today bubby??

  19. what chu got bitches.... lol

  20. you about done wit work??

  21. got a donation from the irish pub down here at work, sauce taken care of bubby... you gonna come nom on some fish friday??

  22. I have one appt today then the rest of the day is at your house in the bathroom.... pinky swear!!!

  23. boooo on work.... I'll take pics at hooters for you....

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